You might want to consider the cost should one of them, including the replacement blow and do $1500 to $3000+ worth of damage to the rig. My damage was $1800. The service manager at the repair shop said I was lucky as they have seen the blown tire totally destroy the flooring above the wheel well causing major damage to the floor, wheel well, inside appliances, on and on. I was also lucky as some high pressure negotiation on my part got me the repair cost back plus most of the cost of new tires (something other than BlowMax). Most others have not been that lucky. My kids tell me I should go into the cost recovery business because I, as Don Henley says in a song, "take to the wall" with these people. Show no quarter.
When they give you trouble, it will be at a major cost. $1500 on replacements or 3000+ on damage and then $1500 in replacement. Not rocket science to me.