I was looking at the specs on the Expedition. These units are much heavier then a 1/2 ton. If you don't load to heavy and have good sway bars you will be almost as heavy on the TV as the Trailer.
My neigbours dodge 1/2 ton setup was hauling his unit very well but when he was setup on the trailer the truck was way to light. So he opted for a F350 that is not realy heavier on the rear then the Expidition is anyway. But he finds his truck way to long for proper handling in the trailer parks.
Years ago the GM Suburbans were the king of trailering with the TT's. We saw them on the roads everywhere. Because they were heavy and practical for the passengers.
A friend of mine, a horse hauler had a 95 Dodge Cummins (About 6500 Lbs) and told me he hauled a trailer 1000 miles, it was 40 ft long and he did over 70MPH all the way, and all along he never used any sway bare. The long trailer was much easier to haul then the short horse trailers he hooked all the time. This guy hauls trailers loaded with horses, all over without using sway bars.
Just my observations.