Well, we finally ventured out with our two kitties in tow and they did real well in the 5er.
We have been taking them for short runs in the car in their soft sided carrier and they seemed to do fine with some meowing, but the minute we put them in their large cage in the back seat of the truck, our youngest one (about 18 months) began to drool and drool and finally puked....eew! He was trying to look all around him while the world went by....(fast) and we think he got car sick trying to look at everything move by so quickly.
So, we decided to put them in the 5er while we traveled and they did great!!
We put them up front in the bedroom portion, made sure they had their litter box and their blankets and toys, and when we checked on them after only about 30 minutes, they were both on the bed looking at us like to say, "is it time to eat now?"
Putting them in the bedroom area seems to work very well all around, and we don't let them out until we have stopped for the day and put out the slide, so they won't be tempted to run behind it.
I know that we will get a lot of flack for allowing our "babies" to ride in the 5er, but it sure has made their traveling life a much happier experience!!
Rick and Janine