Tripped breakers

We are running our new 2014 rw415 on the generater and the main ac keeps tripping the breaker? We tried to shut off the battery un plug from house size power let sit for an hour then reboot all and still trips almost instantly? We are full timers but have slept in brand new rv one time:(. Generater has about 12 hours is all.


Well-known member
We are running our new 2014 rw415 on the generater and the main ac keeps tripping the breaker? We tried to shut off the battery un plug from house size power let sit for an hour then reboot all and still trips almost instantly? We are full timers but have slept in brand new rv one time:(. Generater has about 12 hours is all.
Hi DeanandDarcy,

I assume you're running off the on-board Onan generator.

I'm not following when you say you shut off the battery and unplug from house size power and reboot. Could you explain further?
There is a battery shut off. Also we are plugged into 110 house out let for lights tv etc. yes cummins generater stock. Still throwing the breaker when running the gen for ac


Well-known member
Is it the breaker on the generator or the breaker in the panel. If it is the breaker on the generator, open the electrical junction box outside the generator and check your wiring connections. There have been a few with loose wiring, mine included. It ultimately led to a fried transfer switch. It was only after replacing the transfer switch that I traced the problem back to the connections in the the j-box. They were charred and loose with only a few strands making contact.


Well-known member
I'm assuming the air conditioner works correctly when plugged into a 30 amp or 50 amp pedestal. But if this is the first time using the AC, you might just have a problem with the AC unit.

With the on-board generator, there's a transfer switch that has an input from shore power and another input from the generator. The output goes to the circuit breakers. Usually the generator has priority; that is, if you fire up the generator, after about 30 seconds, the transfer switch routes generator power to the circuit breaker panel, and breaks the connection from shore power.

Leave the air conditioner circuit breaker OFF and start the generator. Then use a volt meter to check voltage at several outlets around the RV. Check the microwave outlet among others. You should see 120V between hot and neutral, and also between hot and ground. You should read 0 V between neutral and ground. If you're not getting these readings, you may have a problem on the generator side of the transfer switch, or back at the junction box where the generator is connected.


Well-known member
Your other post about lights not working raises additional questions. Any chance you've taken a lightning strike or tried to plug into a 30 amp receptacle at the house?