trouble with 08 cyclone 4012

Forrest Fetherolf

Senior Member
Scott @ Heartland,

You reference to "piling on," I am guilty of. If you refer to my posts, you will find that I criticized when criticism was due, I praised when praise was warranted, I offered suggestions to the factory for product improvements, I have taken time to research and provide other members with information to remedy their issues, and I shared pictures and descriptions of the many things I completed and repaired to improve my Bighorn. I have received many "thanks" from others and there has been times when you acknowledged my input in a favorable manner.

I did my research prior to my Bighorn purchase and I labeled it as the best for the money. I am very pleased to be a Bighorn owner and passed that information on to others.

Sorry, you were having a bad Monday, I have days like that.



Well-known member
Thanks for the note. If I bunched you in with somebody that you didn't deserve to be included with, then I apologize. Here's that bottom line of what I was trying to say to everyone who reads these:
THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM WHO FEEL COMPELLED TO JUMP IN EVERY TIME THERE IS SOMEONE WHO EXPERIENCES AN ISSUE WITH THEIR COACH. IT IS LIKE THEY ARE HERE SIMPLY FOR THESE MOMENTS - TO PILE ON HEARTLAND AND SAY, "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME..." I just don't see where that is going to bring anything worthwhile to the conversations. Those people, making those same posts over and over again are simply not bringing anything positive to the forum. Should they be able to have "their say"? Sure. But after a while, their motives become clear and it just isn't worth it to see them piling on again and again.
Just my opinion. It's not my forum -it's yours.
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