Unable to get lic remote to work


I have programmed the remote and am unable to get the remote to operate anything. I checked the receiver board and confirmed that there is voltage to the board. I also do not hear any relays clicking. Any suggestions.


Sorry to hear your having problems with the link system. We had the same problem with our 2014 Bighorn, not long after purchase. Tried everything I could on my own, as you have. There is information on the Lippert web sit on how to reconnect the remote. There is a black button on the board. Hold it down while pushing the "light" button the first screen of the remote. If it works, you should hear a click. But that didn't help in our case. Ended up have to take ours to the dealer for replacement of the board.
Has worked properly since the repair was done.


Thanks for the reply. I was hoping there was something else I needed to turn on. I guess the next step will be contacting the dealer.


Update... I had to take and send a picture of the control board to my Dealer in which they forwarded to Heartland before a new board could be ordered. I was willing to replace the board myself. After Heartland approved a new board (I assume Heartland wanted to make sure they were sending the correct board not how it was wired) I removed the existing board and immediately found that the 12 volt power supply and ground was not connected to the labeled connector screws but instead were connected to a "function" set of screws. So, I wired the 12 volt power wires to the correct connections. The remote linked to the control board!! But nothing would work even though I could hear the relays clicking. I finally got to the cabinet light function on the remote, pressed the button and heard the landing gear moving. Oh No! At this point it became obvious that the control board was most likely not wired correctly at all. I think I will let the dealer take care of this since it is under warranty. In the meantime it would be great if someone could take a picture of their correctly wired board so that I could compare with mine.


So, No one has a board that is correctly wired? I'd rather rewire myself than take the camper back to the dealer.