I had them on my last coach, and to me a waste of money.
They are not sealed boxes, so things get soaking wet when raining so you need to wrap things in plastic.
If you travel on gravel roads the stones and dirt end up inside the box.
Mine had drain holes in bottom to let water out, & lid is not sealable, get the picture.
Ours were installed at LCI.
These were installed at the 2013 Rally, and things may have changed since them, so check everything out if you decide to purchase, and see if the newer ones meet your expectations.
I was disappointed.
These are a great idea if they could be made water/dirt tight.
I ended up storing wooden blocking in mine, did have the water hoses in there for awhile, but were alway dirty when I needed them, had to store them in big trash bags to keep them clean.
I also had devised a way to put padlocks on them to lock them, then locks were always dirty and hard to unlock.