Update on water leak from shower skylight

Flying Dutchman

Virginia Chapter Leaders - Retired
A few weeks ago I posted my problem with a water leak from a cracked shower skylight. On good advice from Jim B. and others, I contacted Heartland Customer Service on a Friday morning and requested that they review the pictures of the cracked skylight that I had posted. The name of the service representative helping was Mat.
I am one month out of my one year warranty, and was willing to purchase the replacement skylight and install it myself as I am 4 hours drive from my dealer.
Mat reviewed the pictures while I was on the phone, and then simply stated that the parts department would ship out the replacement skylight.
The very next Wednesday morning, FedEx dropped off the replacement. Now that's fast service, and, NO CHARGES!!!!:)
I had to wait a few weeks for dry weather to get on the roof to replace the skylight. Now I confess that working on top of the Sundance roof (or any roof for that matter) is not my most favorite activity, I proceeded armed with a few pointers for the task that Mat had passed on to me. That information and a couple tubes of Dicor lap sealant, and I was finished in about an hour.
After removing the cracked skylight, I found 9 other holes for the screws in the skylight that also had developed cracks. So I am confident that the installer at the factory had a few too many Wheaties for breakfast that morning and didn't realize his strength, and thus over-torqued the screws.
Thank you Mat!
Thank you Heartland!
You stand by your product, and you definitely care for your customers. :angel:


Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)

Glad to hear it worked out OK. I too hate getting on the roof. When I'm up there I feel like if I move a foot to either side I'll fall off, even though it's 8 feet wide!