This just happened earlier today...
My Verizon Moto Z2-Play phone was telling me there was an update...
I tried to download the update, but it wouldn't do it through the phone, but kept telling me a WiFi connection was needed.
So...with 11 GB's used in my monthly plan so far on my Mifi (and nine days left before the rollover) I tried for the first time and connected my phone to my MiFi device.
And WahLah! The download began!
And guess what?
Halfway through that download I got a message from Verizon telling me I had used up my 15GB's and will now be slowed down to 600 KBPS the very instant it hit 15GB!
Once it hit that took over two more hours for it to finish downloading that phone update!
So, if they haven't slowed you down at 15 GB...consider yourself lucky!
Oh since I use my computers on the internet guess what?
I am now using the hotspot in my phone for high speed internet for the rest of the month!
And not the MiFi device...
And that is how the Verizon plans really work...