Wanting to replace recliners in Bighorn...


We have a 2008 Bighorn 3400RE. The two lazy boy recliners are about worn out. Mine is broken and we are going to replace both of them.

We are wanting a Theater Couch/Chairs. The full width of our slide is 77.5" but the valance on each side takes up extra room making the clearance of 72".

If you have a Theater Couch/Chair I would like to know how large it is, where you got it and will it fit on the small slide.

I would also like any suggestions if you have any...



Well-known member
When we got our two Lazyboys, I recall the store had the theatre seats in different sizes/width. Look at their web site or visit a Lazyboy store for dimensions available.
We also have been talking about Theater Couch/Chairs but my concern is how do you get them into the rv? Do you remove the back window or disassemble the center section from the two chairs?



Well-known member
Our chair comes apart. So you shouldn't have to many issues getting it in the door. They do have a lot of sizes to choose from so shouldn't have a problem on size.


Our chair comes apart. So you shouldn't have to many issues getting it in the door. They do have a lot of sizes to choose from so shouldn't have a problem on size.

Do you have Theater chairs?? If so would you post a photo and tell me where you purchased it?

My Lazy Boy Chairs back lifts off. I think all of the Lazy Boy chairs backs slide off.

Thanks for your replys...
