Water Heater Empty


Well-known member
I'm trying to get feedback to find out if I have a problem or not.

Background info: Leaving Central florida a week ago I knew I was going to need to winterize after I returned to GA so before leaving the campsite I opened the low point drains(I don't usually do that) and the fresh tank drain. 3 hours later at a rest stop I closed all 3 drains.

Last night when I went to winterize I did my normal process of adjusting all valves for winterizing and then pulled the water heater drain plug. To my surprise there was no water in the tank.

Question is: Did the water drain out through the low point drains I had left open?

The cold water line is at the low point of the water tank. Everything felt dry in the basement so I don't think it leaked but I have never drained the heater tank this way before if that is what happened. If there is something wrong I want to fix it now not when I want to be camping.

Thanks for any thoughts



Well-known member
Yes. very likely. The low point drains will drain all of the lines and the hot water tank. I usually open the pressure valve on the tank and a faucet in the rig to be sure it drains everything faster but just opening the low points will drain the system in time.