Watts quick connect pex manifold


I've seen another thread regarding the use of a Manabloc Manifold and ran across the watts quick connect manifold. It seems a little simpler with the push connections and open to anyones thoughts. Here is a link to Amazon and some reviews http://www.amazon.com/Watts-Technol...J6K/ref=dp_top_cm_cr_acr_txt?showViewpoints=1

Txs for looking.

//heartlandowners.org/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAEAAZAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAaAAEAAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAFAAQGAgMH/8QAMhAAAgEDAwIFAwIFBQAAAAAAAQIDBAURABIhMUEGEyJRYRRxwYGhFSMykbFCUmLR8P/EABgBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgQD/8QAHREAAwEAAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAECAxEhQTESIv/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A 46mpqaAHrLnVLWTwUkdOVhADNKzZLEZxgDpgjV62VRraGOdlVXOQ6q2QGBwcHuMjRUzebVzSoSBIOh BjSVmGy3RLnJUsGIGPVk5/fQobVXC6NWVK0b0SQwnaBLE7MTgZyQwA/tpe31BqqKGdgAzoCwHTPfHxo4xeZUzSBiBM2cYHGFA/GkaGPyaKGItuMcYUtjGcDGdACVVddZZalqSopIo4nKIj0zOTjg7iHHfPQadpJxU0sM4GBIgfH3GdFPDl5jvbErFsYHp/bSdCAlJFGCTsUJk98DGgCHuleyzSxNTLGjsAjQsxwCRydw549tORP5kSSAEblBwe2dBz0u0TqJH2yys3QcZydL0UgkplwMbRt/toAZr1V/SPVDydgJYJ5bf0 2c9daBTkA4xnsdZZ6dTTSQLKzRSO2CMf0nOO2tFQ1IqYd AGBwwHvqAsampqapAyW UUcpjzK 0lSyRkgH8/po67XaSvtssVpeSF5PSs7Rg4wefSf1GipKuopZvp5LfVNKGIASFm3c9RjqNdW6pYQrBLBJFKm7ckiFT8cH31DXCKqeI1paialr0hhqIxhN03EgOMHgEjjTXh 8Tta4HeiOX3Mx34JJY84xwPjPGsPerXVXa/z1VCYZERUR1DHchAHBAHGtL4cuSvaKY42hE2MG6hlOCD88aym ezo0zzWacvl l9r/HBWmmWH cq7tjsQec46A/GrVuu9dJRxSSW1Ud8l1aflTnn/AE6z9RS1k94ethh3wsqqMKcnAxxxzpOz3iOptdPOilEcEgSAbhz0PzrSMXEKU5 npV3pqdyv08YK8gSO2enThTn78ca97VequooYZ/4dHH5gyUM5JB 3Qt4pquqlkqooG8vYMNgjIA69Ne/h6vb B0m KSMlSdsiYYZJIz h075LUwoTX04vPiiO31DQTKglIEixuX4BzxkKQRkH2 2kbJfKuptdNULQRqJUyV848Hvzt1lfFVkr7nXNcEASFIQMOjZwMknpyOdLeGKyRfD1FG8MgcJkgoQRyeP31lN/rs1cZLJOX36VbnfqeyZpJJUEmN8UUqv6VLHjcqkEDBA4B4769PC92r5RHcCAxqIsGLeRGDnsPcYxnQfjez1lbUNcm2QU1NBiRpdwKgEsT06YOlPCchj8OUcjL0BxgfJP51E6/XD F0jFYqpf9em9t9wSsgMhRomVyjKx7j2 NTVKxU870bvVRNCzSsVVuDt7Ejtqa2cgd9dVzt5v1bpuJKqpwAOwx/3rzp2mqIlllnaSVi3qJ6cnA1dm8KRNMzQV9VBExJ8pdpA xI4H99F3i2VPhy21FdT1EtZTwLuMLRgyYJ9RyCBgZJ6dBqmkw2tu9Ta6uSkpUjCDa2TnkkAnvpixR4tVOZJXdmBdizEnJJP50YtlFVPNPXyb5HyUEeVCDgD7n/3zpK0 Ha4UUaxXVNilgN1NyPUeP6v37699LzeaUrv05s41nWqt8rw5luNTHXvSrIPL2gphiTz/jqdWrRSBLZTrJKxCgj Y5Y8HGqn8JjEzPJUyyyHjzB6MY7gD8k6tW6yVzUKRrdVIUnLNTktnJOD6vnrrN1DlKUaibVt0zwuNfLTSmBJSUA/3HAz268a7stMi2qE7yQCw5Oe5x wGuZ7PAWbzp5ZXPpL52/fAH5zru2WCrNvSKO6japPLU Wz993zpVQ4SS7ETa0bb6DL9dKqjqRBBLmNo8 rJxyRjVuxQx/wWByV4yMfqdc1lnpXlcTNJM64QyMxHQ84AxjnPvr2s/h2ZrasMd1cKjHrAM5 fnWrvN5KUuzEZ6LZ3T6BfElynp5xTRurwyR pHG4HkjH2wBxqxYNhtkAcg9e3yR NdVFro6jzHl8yQhiiyOxDEBsZwOBk51xZbBVSTfQxVEy00abmqSFOCScLjPJ686Vpm8VCXZIy0W7tvmR 11r00MkaM0iiViNxJx8D41NL2200tugaKEM 5i7NKdxJP OnQamuc6S9rmRFkRkdQysMEHvrrU1QZGu3UtwkpoopJdi53AqAM84OTn9tP2NxLaoH2bWYHeP8Alkhv0znHxo 42uve4T1FIKZ0lVeJZWQqQMdlPHGk7RSyUdvignKmQZLbDkAkk4HxzoUCrZPJr5oIYJZBGeWG0AZGccn5Gm7LhrdFIAQZBvYE5wfbR1bbLi1wqJaZaZopsEGSZlZTgDGAp4499KWqlejt8UErAuoO7acjJJJA OdAA187JX1EMVPJIsTcsGUclc9yPfTlnCm3QyKCPNUOQexI0ZV2q4fWVMlMKZ45m3AySsrDgcHCnS9tp3paCCCQguiAMV6Z74 NAZm4TMtdWLFTs0aSYBVxnPBPXHfPfWitESx0ETgkmVRIc/I6aHqrPclrKk0i0jwTOXBlmZWBPJBAQjr86doKc0lFDTs24xoFJ9zqAyNwllNXXGGKPykmIVd208Hnt3IJ/XWos9OsNDGw5aVQ7H7jpomewVnnVJp54DHNIzjeGBXJyc /JPtp6jg lpIafcW8qNU3HvgY0B7ampqapD//2Q==


Well-known member
Looks like your linc already answered your question-- or did I miss something. BTY Watts is a major player in the plumbing world.


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
If you decide to do this, please take pics of the install. Looks like a good mod that folks would be interested in.



Well-known member

I looked briefly at the Watts website specs and I think it may use some kind of reducers to attach 1/2" pex; maybe 2 for each line. You might want to investigate this further.



I looked briefly at the Watts website specs and I think it may use some kind of reducers to attach 1/2" pex; maybe 2 for each line. You might want to investigate this further.

It shows reducers included, but I have sent an email to Watt's. I'll share that response.


Well-known member
I have used the Watts and many of the Maniblocks, I prefer the Maniblocks. Unless pressure is present all the time on the Watts, they will tend to leak. On the Maniblocks, you have mechanical connection, nut, ferrule, insert, and sleeve, with a indicator when tight.


I went ahead and ordered the 20 port model from The Tool Workshop for $162 shipped. It was at my house in 2 days! very quick ship. It is much sturdier than I imagined. I went with the 20 port as I can shorten it to 12 or 14 if I choose to and have back up valves as well. It does not come with labels but I have a label maker anyway. Included are the mounts, feruls for all ports, 2 3/4" plugs and a couple of pex gauges. I took a few photos with the sizes as well. I'm away from my Bighorn so it will be a week or more before I start. I'm hoping I can mount to the board in the photos and let the lines loop. IMG_1062.jpgIMG_1063.jpgIMG_1066.jpgIMG_1064.jpgIMG_1065.jpg


Well-known member
What does this do? I guess I dont understand the purpose. Is it just so you will be able to shut off individual lines? Someone fill me in.


What does this do? I guess I dont understand the purpose. Is it just so you will be able to shut off individual lines? Someone fill me in.

See this thread. //heartlandowners.org/showthread.ph...s-of-pictures)?p=243648&highlight=udc+remodel

I recently had to replace my converter as the Black Tank Rinse Anti Siphon Valve leaked and fried it. Crawling in the basement I discovered a mess of water lines and wires, making it almost impossible to get to anything. I'm just trying to clean it up so in the further should I have to get under there I won't yank something off inadvertently. This project isn't for everyone...just my choice.


I located my Anti Siphon valve in the wall behind the toilet and replaced it with a brass one. Here are some pix of the basement plumbing snarl. Just look at the fittings off the water heater. This basement area is very different layout as opposed to the project I'm basing it off of. Space much smaller and doesn't appear any drain need to be relocated. However the HVAC needs some attention.IMG_1075.jpgIMG_1076.jpgIMG_1069.jpg