We FINALLY did it!


Past Heartland Ambassador
After almost two years of planning, researching and even changing careers, we ordered our 2013 Key Largo yesterday!

Don't think I've been this excited for quite awhile...we ordered with everything imaginable, except the dishwasher we wanted, but it can't be installed in KL...bummer! We are even working with Mor Ryde to get IS and disc brakes installed. Worked with Explore USA in Mesquite, TX, and got a really great deal Now if the PDI and delivery goes smoothly, it will be perfect.

The best part, it goes online the week of December 3rd and that's Ken's birthday...what a birthday and Christmas present!!

Terry H

Past Texas North Chapter Leader/Moderator
Staff member
Congratulations, I know you will love your new Key Largo. It it a great floor plan. Let me know when you get in the DFW area, so we can get together for a meal.


Congratulations Ken and Kathy, I'm sure you will love your new Landmark when you get it.

Jim M


Retired Oregon HOC
Congrats! I know how excited we were in July when we ordered our new one, so we understand exactly how you feel! The waiting is a killer though....



Legendary Member
Congrats on ordering the new rig. Let us know when we can get together somewhere to see it.


Past Ohio Chapter Leaders (Founding)
That's awesome Ken and Kathy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Past Heartland Ambassador
Thanks everybody! Just found out we will be working just outside of Birmingham, AL until the end of February...will have to make a trip back to Texas to pick up the KL when it comes in....man it's gonna be a long wait!


Congratulations! We know how it is, waiting for your trailer. Ours is somewhere in "the works" and we're bouncing off the walls.


Founding Canadian Region Director - Retired
Congratulations Ken and Kathy. I am sure the wait will be worth it and the excitement will just build.
Wayne and Gayle


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired

Glad you've had a good experience with them!

Let us know when it's at the dealership. We're just 20 min away from there...


Past Heartland Ambassador
Thanks, Tony and Erica, we'll do that...by the way, is Plantation the closest RV park? Will need a place to say, the dealer won't let us stay over night in their facility...


North Central Region Directors-Retired
Congrats to you.. We seen the 2013's yesterday and Great Lakes RV in Elkhart.. Boy it was sure tempting.. Some things I liked on some and other appointments on other ones... Enjoy again