Twoing with a small SUV/Minivan with a 3,500LB tow capacity is only borderline safe at best.
Our MPG-181 has a dry weight of 2,820 Lbs, and GVWR of 3,800 Lbs. While we may not load to the 3.800Lbs, (close guesstimate is 3,400Lbs) I would venture to say most of us are well on our way there. Stuff adds up.
I read in some tow guide that the tow capacity is computed with a 150Lb driver, and once you add passengers and cargo, the tow capacity goes down. There are sites that have spread sheets where you put in your vehicle and trailer weights, and it will compute what is safe. When I entered the data on 3,500Lb and 5,000Lb vehicles, we were over the capacity on the 3,500 vehicle, and boarderline on the 5,000 vehicle. **For calculations purposes I used myself, my wife, our dog, 300Lbs of cargo in the tow vehicle, and the 3,800 GVWR of the MPG. So you can see that in our case, a tow vehicle with a 3,500LB towing capacity now has about a 2,920Lb towing capacity; add on a 60Lb WDH, and we are now at 2,860Lbs towing capacity for our 3,400Lb trailer.
**Someone please chime in if my tow capacities are incorrect
So we ended up with a vehicle with a 6,000Lb tow capacity, and I now feel relatively safe.
These small trailer manufactruers are misleading folks when thay indicate smaller vehicles can tow these trailers. Yes they can tow, but pushing the capacity limits is not the safest thing to do.