What tire


I purchased a pioneer rk280 a few months back,trying to figure out what brand of tire it came with. All it says on tire is ranger st and then the tire size. Any help identifying these tites would bd great. Thanks larry


Well-known member
Sounds like it's a Ranger ST tire.

Tire importers spec out a tire to buy from manufacturers and have them put a brand name on the side. If you're actually trying to find out the name of the manufacturer, you'll need to get the DOT codes off the side of the tire and cross reference from there.


Mainly looking for some reviews on the tire. Having some control issues with my tt, trying to rule out some things.


Moved on to the next thing...
What kind of control issues are you having?

Also, what is your tow vehicle and do you have a weight distributing hitch setup?

I see you have the rear kitchen . . .

We used to have a Heartland Trail Runner with the rear kitchen and we had some sway issues with it, most likely due to the weight of that kitchen all the way to the back of the trailer.

You'll need to be careful not to load up a lot of stuff in the back of that trailer because of that.

TruckCamperHomeDepot-IMG_20140828_132314121.jpg NewTruckTrailerLevel-IMG_20140918_130913251.jpg


Founders of SoCal Chapter
Make sure your trailer sets level and be sure your WDH is adjusted properly. Always load heavy things towards the front. Make sure you TV is rated for the trailer weight.