When Old People Start Using New Devices


Well-known member
I was in a Starbucks Coffee recently when my stomach started rumbling and I realized that I desperately needed to fart. The place was packed, but the music was really loud so to get relief and reduce embarrassment I timed my farts to the beat of the music. After a couple of songs I started to feel much better. I finished my coffee and noticed that everyone was staring at me. I suddenly remembered that I was listening to my iPhone (with ear piece) - oh sure, like it never happened to you!

(This is what happens when old people start using technology!)



Well-known member
My daughter shared a similar story with DW just the other night.

Out on a date with her new boyfriend she was holding one back when all the sudden she sneezed and it broke loose...
Her boyfriend asked "What was that?" she said "It was a sneeze" he argued "No it was not" then she admitted it was a "Snart"
all he could say was "Dang I wanted to do that first!!!"