Winterzing the Cyclone

I need help I have never had to winterize my cyclone and this year I have to.. I need help I have read the manual and I am doing everything that it says, I am not sure what the winterize switch is for and what it does, can someone please help me?


If you mean the valve in the docking center it is for pulling antifreeze from a jug. Look for an unused hose (1/2" probably white) near that valve.
When you find it put your finger over the end and flip the valve. You'll have to have a faucet open first. If you have the right hose you will have a suction and have found the winterizing hose.

Stick that in an antifreeze jug (pink RV antifreeze) and that valve will allow you to pump antifreeze to each faucet. Find the closest faucet and open it, run till pink. Do the same for the next faucet and so on. Don't forget to run the toilet and shower, both inside and out.


They also need to bypass the water heater before using the antifreeze. And drain the water heater also.

Jim M