It works!!!!
So Today I got wire to complete the project.
Step 1 - Tear down: I had to remove the outside porch light, the valance over the entry door, the trim on the left-hand side of the door, and the top of the lowest step.
Step 2 - Prep: I had to drill a fairly large (5/8 inch) hole into the metal stud above the door but where still hidden by the valance. I also used a carpet knife to cut a slot in the carpet wrapped on the top side of the lowest step.
Step 3 - Wiring: I cut and taped up the factory 12 volt wire to the porch light. Then I connected about 9 feet of new wire to the light and feed it back into the hole the factory wiring used and ran it about 18 inches down and fished it out the new hole above the door. I then pulled most of the wire into the trailer, and ran it in the gap between the door frame and the wall. Once at the bottom of the door I placed the wire in the groove in the carpet and connect it to the step light switch along with the step light wire.
Step 4 - Put it all back together: reinstall all parts and trim removed in step 1.
Photo 1: outside wiring
Photo 2: new hole above door
Photo 3: wire in carpet groove
Photo 4: connecting porch and step light wires
Photo 5: larger picture of wiring by stair
Photo 6: proof it worked, Oh yeah!
Photo 7: the scare light still works too.