New profile posts

We do not have any pictures yet for the 365 and the 305. The 305 is just now being completed down the line and I was just in it. Wow, it sure looks awesome!! The 365's are just now going online, so hopefully we will have some photos to post very soon.

How well are you satisfied with your Dodge 3500 towing your Cyclone? I just upgraded to the 3500 and pulled it once so far. Have you made any performance mods to your truck?
I have a 2009 Northtrail 31RED. My haltime oven does not function correctly. It will come on for approx 5-10 sec then shut off. After it shuts off the service led is on. I then need to reset the breaker to get rid of the service light. I returned it to the dealer who say they replaced the oven but I still have the same problem. Any thoughts?

David McDonald
Nova Scotia, Canada
Coley, this is Lynette McHenry. I spoke with you on the phone a couple of weeks ago about you sending us a sample of the wood stiles of the Landmark Augusta so that we could find a lift top table to match. You had said that you would go out to the factory that day and get a sample in the mail. We have never received the sample. Didn't know if you had gotten busy and forgot. Here's my address to send the wood to: Lynette McHenry, 45 Lakeshore Dr, Garnett, KS 66032. Our Augusta should be to the dealer in a few weeks and we would really like to get that table before it gets in. Thanks a lot Coley. Lynette (Netters)
hey there all. bought a cyclone 3795 last year and been living in it full time. the guys at cottonwood rv in chilliwack have been awesome when it came to warranty work. my only beef with heartland is that my fresh water tank ruptured due to a fault in the structure itself. there have only been 3 models with this problem so they basically told me that they won't cover it totally. what kind of company won't stand behind their product 100%? it's one thing if i was neglegent in filling the tank, but it was a problem right from the factory. called heartland but no one has returned my call as of yet.
Hi, thanks for the reply. I've been by that dealership traveling in AL. I was going to buy a landmark in 06 and went with a everest instead it was a little cheaper and not really happy with it. Like you said you only go through life once and should be happy. Do you think the mobile suite is of better quality than the landmark? Nice talking to you, John
We decided the inclosed bath room wasn't for us. And the Dealership we bought wasn't always truthful and the Mobile Suite floorplan was more to what we were use to. Life is to short not to be happy. We are in Tampa Florida area and will be going to the Tampa RV show tomorrow and will begin our research for the possibility of going to a Motor Home. Don't know if we will make the move but if its suppose to happen it will. However it want happen until the end of 2009 or until 2010. The Dealership was Kountry Mile Kampers in Decatur Ala. I will never go there again. Very poor dealership in my opinion, however I know of others who are happy with them. Its what ever makes you happy. GBY....
Hello Dwight and Maureen,

I won't be the best help here. I've only been to Palm Springs once with the 5'ver and since we are Thousand Trails members, we stayed there. I see that you posted a similar question to the forum and are getting some great feedback that way. I can say though, if you are planning to do the Rose Parade on New Years Day, you may want to find something closer to the Pasadena area a day or two earlier because Palms Springs to Pasadena is about a two hour drive and unless you are sitting in the "paid" seating area, you will want to get to the parade route plenty early if you want a good spot to view the parade.

Best of luck planning your trip and happy travels.

I am having trouble with my flourescent lights, 4 will go on and work from 30 min. to 1 hr and than go off. Once they (cool I guess)they will work again for 30min to 1 hr.
I have a 2009 Landmark ... Does anyone have a sugestion.. I found the bulbs are all made in China, I bought new ones made in some other country and the lights failed the same. Can't tell where the fixtures are made.
Hi from Ontario, Canada,
We are looking into spending December in Southern Cal. and since you are located there, we are wondering if you know anything about parks in the Palm Springs are..or similar. We plan to attend the Rose Bowl Parade on Jan 1st, 2010. Thanks in advance! Dwight and Maureen Powell
hi we have a 3795 from last year and havent even taken it for a spin yet. We are close enough to you that if you come to play here, let know. We are planning to go snowmobiling a lot this winter in Laramie and Togatee but w/o it. Maybe we can catch up with you there if you play.
I have a 2009 Sundance 2900mk and I am looking for a way to carry a kayak. Has anyone been successfull in transporting a kayak? Mine is about 10ft long and weighs 40 lbs.
Happy Belated Birthday, Bob. Hope it was a wonderful day for you. CJ and JD Wigley
Hi Marybeth Sorry did not answer sooner. I am not very computer savey, didn't know you left a message. This site can be confusing. Affordable did get our electrical fixed but not cosmetic warrenty work done after having it 2 weeks. The person who walked through with us did not document everything so it didn't get fixed. Make sure they write everything down when you take it there. My husband fixed everything himself. He read the problems of others on this site and fugured it out. Great site we love it. Everyone has great ideas and alot of knowledge on RVs.
Hi I would like to get some info on my Onon 5500 gen, having some trouble get it to start. Is there some one out there who knows about these guys and can give me some advise? Thanks Chick
Sealman, I've driven by your site a couple of times but your truck was gone, so I didn't stop. I'll catch you soon. I'm in Bridgepoint just East on the left side.
Hey Smokey, I have a friend who lives in Chestertown. We worked for the same company for 35 years, we're both retired now.... Good Luck with the Th. We put 3500 miles on our new one this summer. Big G
thank you. We've camped for years, but recently purchased our first 5th wheel. Hoping to connect with others with same interest.