It's Official!.....A Reloading Class at the Nat. HOC Rally in Goshen!


Well-known member
It's official. the class is listed in the LTA Schedule.

Thursday, June 20, 1:45 – 3:00, Introduction To Reloading

Introduction to Reloading will cover component selection, reloading equipment, the basic reloading process and reloading safety. You’ll learn terminology, selection, primers, powder and bullets. Course includes types of equipment required for basic reloading. Basic process includes inspection, preparation and resizing. Prior to viewing a live demonstration of the basic reloading process, you’ll be briefed on important reloading safety guidelines.

Presented by: Dave Gray
NW Campground Site 451

Of course this is not enough time to teach a lot. But the word is, if you're not going to attend any of the other activities after 3:00 PM, I'll continue on as long as reasonably possible. Depending on time frames, I could possibly set up some appointment times over the remaining Rally days.

It's going to be tight, but we'll work it out the best we can.

As of this morning, 6/15/13, there are 21 attendees signed up to attend this class. That's good. I have set the maximum number of attendees to 25 so there are four spaces available. After looking at the schedule for Thursday, I will end the class firmly at 4:45 P.M. As stated before, those who plan to attend other activities after the official LTA ending time of 3 P.M., just simply slip out.

I look forward to seeing you all. Also, Rex Hasty, who has more years experience than me, will be available to assist as well.

Class size has reached capacity of 25 plus 2.

Sorry, I can not accept any more for this class. I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday.

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Past North Carolina Chapter Leader
Re: Reloading Class at the Nat. HOC Rally in Goshen?

sign me up!!!!

Knowledge update:
a couple years ago a friend who loads, helped the DW shop for the RBCS Rock Chucker single stage setup with all the hardware for 9mm, 38/357, 44mag and 45acp. He was going to "teach" me (keep me from blowing myself up) and was transferred.....lost my instructor :-(. Good news is I have been saving ALL the brass. Just haven't taken the time to get rolling by myself...hows that for a sad story!
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Senior Member
Re: Reloading Class at the Nat. HOC Rally in Goshen?

I reload also, and I would like to exchange ideas. So yes I would like to attend.


Past Ohio Chapter Leaders (Founding)
Re: Reloading Class at the Nat. HOC Rally in Goshen?

Yes please. Thanks Dave


Re: Reloading Class at the Nat. HOC Rally in Goshen?

Ah yup.

Especially since you already have the Dillon. Right now I still have a single stage Lee
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Well-known member
Re: Reloading Class at the Nat. HOC Rally in Goshen?

Yes, I would be interested. Thanks for making the offer.

I have only reloaded with the Lee hand loaders, very basic.
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Well-known member
Re: Reloading Class at the Nat. HOC Rally in Goshen?

Whoa... What a surprise that so many are interested. I'll have to run this by Jim Beletti to get his blessing. If he okays it, then we'll have to come up with a time frame to fit this in.


Past North Carolina Chapter Leader
Re: Reloading Class at the Nat. HOC Rally in Goshen?

Whoa... What a surprise that so many are interested. I'll have to run this by Jim Beletti to get his blessing. If he okays it, then we'll have to come up with a time frame to fit this in.

AND a BIG room for all the attendees!!!


Well-known member
Re: Reloading Class at the Nat. HOC Rally in Goshen?

AND a BIG room for all the attendees!!!

That could be a problem. My equipment is set-up in my 8'X12' Cyclone garage. I don't have way to drop my ramp to create more space like the newer Cyclones.

Flying Dutchman

Virginia Chapter Leaders - Retired
Re: Reloading Class at the Nat. HOC Rally in Goshen?

I am also interested, maybe you can do multiple classes.

Have no previous experience reloading, just have a keen interest to learn.
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Well-known member
Re: Reloading Class at the Nat. HOC Rally in Goshen?

I've been reloading for a few years now, self taught & things seem to be doing fine. I may be interested in watching to see if I can pick up something I may be doing wrong, or can do better. But if there isn't room, no big deal, better to let someone in there who has never done it & want's to learn how.

Currently I reload 30.06, 38/357, & 44 Mag. Planning on reloading .40, .45 ACP, & 223/5.56 in the future, just haven't gotten around to it. Can't stay home long enough!!!
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Northeast Region Director-Retired
Re: Reloading Class at the Nat. HOC Rally in Goshen?

I've been reloading for a few years now, self taught & things seem to be doing fine. I may be interested in watching to see if I can pick up something I may be doing wrong, or can do better. But if there isn't room, no big deal, better to let someone in there who has never done it & want's to learn how.

Same here. If there is room, I would love to join in.


Texas North Chapter Leaders-retired
Re: Reloading Class at the Nat. HOC Rally in Goshen?

I'm interested in attending.


Legendary Member
Re: Reloading Class at the Nat. HOC Rally in Goshen?

I used to reload for both rifle and pistol and even cast my own bullets. It's been awhile since I've done it but I'd participate.


Active Member
Re: Reloading Class at the Nat. HOC Rally in Goshen?

I know you are talking about rifle and hand gun, but if some were interested in shot gun reloading I could bring my equipment and demo 12ga reloading. I would like to signup for your class on pistol reloading.
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Founding Georgia Chapter Leader (Ret)
Re: Reloading Class at the Nat. HOC Rally in Goshen?

Dave, I am sure Jim will go for it, so just schedule it and I will also attend. Make sure the Smart car is out of the garage so no damage is done.
Since you are next to us again I will let Santha fire up her Margarita machine after the class.
Randy, Santha and the Poodles

Dave, No experience. Just use to using firearms.
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