Powered cord reel question


Active Member
Thinking of getting the powered cord reel when we order our3450 in April was wondering if there is a power failure is there a way to manually reel in the cord.???


Well-known member
Hi relic57,

Power failure would be if your battery died. You could probably connect the trailer cord to your truck, start the engine, and get enough power to retract the cord.

If not, or if something else failed. as has been suggested before, you could pull the cord out all the way and wrap it around your ladder to secure it for travel.

But I don't think I've ever heard of anyone actually having to do that.


Well-known member
Is a power cord an available option for Big Country. I didn't think it was. Wasn't a few years ago.


Well-known member
The power cord reel motor is 12 volt. You don't reel the cord in until you unplug it. So a power outage is not relevant.


Well-known member
I wouldn't do without it. The cord itself is 34 feet (on mine) which is a little longer than the standard cable. As already stated, AC power outage isn't a factor.


Past North Carolina Chapter Leader
Is a power cord an available option for Big Country. I didn't think it was. Wasn't a few years ago.

Yes, we ordered the powered cord reel for our 2014 Big Country 3650. However, it may not fit on all models...check with Heartland for your BC. By the way, WE LOVE IT!!!!!


Legendary Member
When our Landmark was brand new, the power cord reel motor went out. We full time, so we took the trailer and put up with manually rolling the cord back in. It wasn't hard but very time consuming. The sharp edged cut my hands and wrists. I finally asked to borrow a 50 amp extension from the dealer. Much easier! It has been flawless since then, and like Mike, I wouldn't be without it.