Search results

  1. Niles

    Slide and floor bottoming out and contacting tires

    You have to remember that axle weight does not carry the trailer, you have your tongue weight. Our BH has almost 3500# of weight on the truck. As for springs we went though this too, Lippert sent me new springs and we replaced them, it's not a big job if you got the tools to do it. However don't...
  2. Niles


    Re: Molly 12/20/14 Duane & Debbie. We too are sorry to hear about Molly, we feel your pain for sure. It's taken a long time for us after losing Tucker to not think of him with tears in my eyes.
  3. Niles

    Toilet blockage

    Pizzadigger, said what I was thinking, might be some stuff left over from construction. It does happen. If it is something that won't disolve, no amount of water will work.
  4. Niles

    New Owner just signing on

    Hey you got our trailer!!!!!!!!! Hope you have as many great times as we have had in ours. We go to camping shows and look at new trailers and always come home thinking, why trade, we're really happy with what we have. So many features in the 3670RL, it's hard to find a comparison. Have fun and...
  5. Niles

    It finally happened to me-blowout

    Mark, I posted the following a few weeks ago, I have found Goodyear to be very good about their tire issues. Just saying it might be worth a call. I also had a truck tire go bad on my pickup several years ago it was 7 years old, I swapped from winter tires to summer tires and they had no miles...
  6. Niles

    New Solar and Inverter Install

    I'm looking forward to this thread, I've always wanted to have solar, just never wanted to blow the budget for it. We'll also enjoy hearing how you route your wiring down from the roof, as we have a 3670 also. Good luck with the install.
  7. Niles

    Jack antenna full install replace crank up

    Re: Jack antenna full install relace crank up I wish they would of had that mounting plate when we replaced ours. That would of helped a bunch.
  8. Niles

    Tire Concerns!

    I just want to say that G614's have some issues also. I changed our 3670 to the 614's, has I did on our toyhauler we traded for the BH. Never had a issue on the toyhauler and had many miles on it. The BH is another story, with maybe 15 to 20k on these tires we blew one, at that point I thought...
  9. Niles

    Convection oven has mind of its own

    No timer that I'm aware of, TravelTiger it sounds like you may of found it. That's exactly what it sounds like is happening, I know that our friends are going nuts with it.
  10. Niles

    Convection oven has mind of its own

    Has anyone had the problem of their convection oven turning on by itself? We have some friends with a BC and swear that it has been coming on by itself. They walk into the camper and it's running. Just wondering if maybe a screw is working loose, in someones head.:angel:
  11. Niles

    Double Pane -- good idea?

    Another vote for yes, all of the above, don't sweat, warmer, keeps heat out, quieter, in other words it's worth it. We have had one lose it's seal and have the fog in between the panes. It's one of the small ones in our door side slide. That is our only complanit trying to get with the...
  12. Niles

    Brake controller gain setting

    I'm responding to the post about having the tv brakes set tighter than the rv. Don't do it!!! You want the trailer to slow first if the tv slows first then you have a chance of the trailer coming around on you. I've drove a truck for lots of years and miles. When trailer brakes hold you back, it...
  13. Niles

    Factory Repairs Procedure

    We just went though this last November, I think most of the reason behind this is so they don't have to work around your stuff. We felt like the bedroom slide was to be taken out and the nose cone had to be removed, which meant the closet needed to be empty. We moved a lot of our stuff to the...
  14. Niles

    Question for you full timers out there

    A friend of ours changed from SD to TX because of health insurance. And I know nothing about this just repeating what I was told. But he said that the health ins in SD would not cover him as a full timer. He had the mail service like you all are talking about so I am wondering what he did wrong...
  15. Niles

    extended warranty?? after 5 yrs??

    We've always felt a extended warranty was a gamble. Price of the warranty vs what actually goes wrong. We've been very lucky and had very few problems with our BH, and what issues we've had Heartland has stepped up and took care of. However it is peace of mind if you do get one. And there has...
  16. Niles

    Cost of electricity

    Cost won't change no matter what you're hooked to, it is the usage no matter if comes though a 20amp plug. We were set up in Custer SD last year on a meter. This was the first time we ever did this and was a little nervous. However using the AC and WH,on electric, we did about $65 a month which...
  17. Niles

    Upgraded brakes with 8k axles

    We did the upgrade to Disc brake and the Mor-ryde IS, it's not cheap but worth it, also went with the 8k springs. We have a 3670rl and I think this was the best thing we ever did. The trailer rides very smooth, stuff isn't all over the place when we stop. The 8k may be a little overkill, but we...
  18. Niles

    Adding level-up 6pt system

    Guess I'll be the red headed step child here, we put on the bigfoot system and love it. The one thing I like about it, is the fact that not one pump for the whole system. Lippert's if the pump goes, no slides and no leveling. Bigfoot's system is not attached, so to speak, with the slides and...
  19. Niles

    Moving from 15" to 16" wheels

    I'm guessing you have 6 lug wheels, however just in case. I just changed out my 16" wheels for 17.5 and have four wheels plus one new 614 and one with about 15000 mile, which would make a good spare. Mine are 8 lug though. Make offer.
  20. Niles

    Installing mor/ryde sre4000

    When we had our IS put on by Mor-ryde they aligned it at the time. I can't believe that yours wasn't done at the time of installing it. Very firm believer in Mor-ryde, we had our done in Elkhart, and were more than impressed with the staff and installers.
  21. Niles

    Once you hit the tunnel - it is time to stop and regroup :-)

    Looks like South Dakota In Custer state park, signs everywhere, Iron mountain road or Needles.
  22. Niles

    Heartland Service Above and Beyond

    Tis the Christmas Season, and we would like to share a wonderful story. We have had a issue with our Bighorn, the front was flexing. Contacted Heartland and they said send pictures. We did, they looked, then said we need you to bring it to us. Again we did, a week later we get it back, what a...
  23. Niles

    Got an Ouchie on the Bighorn...

    Just a thought here, the jeep looks guilty to me. Does it have a bike rack on the back? The receiver in the back is square and sometimes smaller than what we have on the truck. Most jeeps have a spare tire on the back and the bike rack hooked on them. If they backed into you and forced the metal...
  24. Niles

    In Tucker's memory

    We're glad it worked out well, we know old Tucker is wagging his tail, Thanks
  25. Niles

    5th Wheel Hitch Overhang Fiberglass Delamination

    Cookie, no my picture taker went on to another project, short attention span. We did put gussets in the neck of the hitch too. The orginal ones were maybe 2 inches, the new ones are at least 8 inches.
  26. Niles

    5th Wheel Hitch Overhang Fiberglass Delamination

    Bill, I'm interested in knowing what they did, we have, had a sagging problem also. Lippert told me that the strap holding the wall up was busted at the front of the trailer. We took the front cover off and sure enough they were. The fix that we did, which is what Lippert told us to do is drive...
  27. Niles

    2013 Goshen Rally - Discussion Thread

    I forgot to tell part of the story when our tire blew, a transport driver pulling a Big Country stopped and wanted to know if we needed help. She asked if we had just left the rally and said if we needed her to, she would call someone at Heartland to come help. We just thought that was great...
  28. Niles

    Tucker Our Pal

    I've been avoiding this message for almost two years. We lost Tucker shortly after the 2011 rally. We had a lot of people ask about him this year and I guess it's time to let go, I've finally changed our signature. As many of you already know this is hard for us fur lovers, we all know it's...
  29. Niles

    2013 Goshen Rally - Discussion Thread

    Like so many others, THANK YOU Jim and all the others involved with such a wonderful rally. It really is the best of the best. We had a little fu-fa on the way home though, didn't go 50 mile and blew a tire. lucky just the side skirt gone and one tire. Big foot to the rescue, 1/2 hour later on...
  30. Niles

    2013 Goshen Rally - Discussion Thread

    Re: 2013 North American Rally Just had our carpet cleaned today, he did a great job, would do it again. Just can't say enough good things about Josh. Thanks, didn't know just how dirty DW was.
  31. Niles

    Heartland is curious. What do you think about this?

    Hey Mark you're right I did ask what it would take to replace the rubber roof, and surprising enough it isn't that much cheaper.
  32. Niles

    2013 Goshen Rally - Discussion Thread

    There's a speedway just north of Wal-mart on 33 that has diesel and big bays to pull in with the whole rig. Not sure if you have a truck with diesel or gas, the speedway is not as rig friendly for gas.
  33. Niles

    2013 Goshen Rally - Discussion Thread

    Re: 2013 Goshen Rally - Vendor Specials Posted! Got a question, not sure what time Friday evening we'll get in, is there someone we need to call so we can find out where to park. We're assigned a temp for Friday and Saturday.
  34. Niles

    Heartland is curious. What do you think about this?

    We were curious as what the price for the roof would be, so called a local Rhino dealer. He knew exactly what we were talking about, said he had just done some tram car roofs for the railway system. Hold on to your shorts to do a roof it is $16 per square foot. Maybe someone else might do better...
  35. Niles

    Escapee Offering

    Jim, didn't they have a deal you could sign up for life membership? I'd be interested if that is still a option.
  36. Niles

    2013 Goshen Rally - Full-timing Discussion

    Re: 2013 Goshen Rally - Full-timing Panel Discussion If you're counting heads, add two. The sticks and bricks, well no bricks mostly sticks, we live in a log house is on the market now. We need to know all we can.
  37. Niles

    Sealing Roof Joints With Eternabond Tape

    I used it to do the front seal last year and it works great. I cleaned the roof with dawn dish soap before applying. I rolled the tape over the edge, however I didn't get it real smooth as the contours of the roof make it hard to do, but no leaks, and I would do it again.
  38. Niles

    2013 Goshen, IN - For Sale Table

    DougandJudy, ifi you're talking about Lambright you can't go wrong there, Tell Vernon we'll see him soon. We also have a piece of furniture we need to pick up.
  39. Niles

    2013 Goshen, IN - For Sale Table

    Hello all, We have a grill from Cabela's we just never really used, got a new one for Christmas...