Search results

  1. TrailCreek

    Inverter Installation

    I have this unit. 3,000 watts. Be careful with wiring. I have 6 x 100 amp BattleBorn batteries, and the distributor provided 2/0 jumpers. They got very hot, and I had to upgrade to 4/0 for the batteries, disconnect, and fuse. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  2. TrailCreek

    Inverter Installation

    You are talking about 2 separate systems, one runs your 12 V system, and the other runs your refrigerator on the 110 V Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  3. TrailCreek

    Power Cord Reel Motor Died

    You have to remove the J wrap trim. It's pretty easy, and then you have full access to the reel. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  4. TrailCreek

    Power Cord Reel Motor Died

    Get the model number and you can get replacement parts from the manufacturer. Mine had stripped plastic gears and they sold metal replacements. Works fine. I would think you could buy parts much easier than replacing the whole unit. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  5. TrailCreek

    Dometic thermostat furnace issue

    DOMETIC 3314082.000 BLACK COMFORT CONTROL CENTER II DIGITAL RV THERMOSTAT Tried to add a photo but it wouldn't upload. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  6. TrailCreek

    Dometic thermostat furnace issue

    I've seen a few topics that almost covered this issue, but nothing with a solution to my problem. The t-stat will run the furnace until it doesn't. What I mean is that it randomly fails to start the furnace when the temp falls. I turn it off and back on and it starts working again. It seems like...
  7. TrailCreek

    Big Country 5th wheel electric fireplace

    If you have the Greystone fireplace, check the plug in the cabinet. If it is a flat disc with the cord coming out the side, make sure it is not melting. My fireplace, in a 2017 Newport, had a short adapter plugged into the factory plug to allow the cord to run flat against the side of the...
  8. TrailCreek

    Cannot Find a Signal from outside Coax Connection

    Definitely a splitter problem. I put a coax port on the slideout to run directly for our Dish or cable, whatever we had at the site. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  9. TrailCreek

    Wet and rotted floor on 2018 model

    I would think the frame and underbelly would have signs if it was in a flood. I'd contact Heartland for help. Hot sure if they would do anything but they may give some ideas on where to look. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  10. TrailCreek

    What is this switch?

    You are correct. I wasn't focused on the inverter switch, just didn't pay attention. Just frustrated that 5 years of off and on efforts to figure it out have failed. I have no idea and the factory doesn't know. Could it be for the awning wind sensor hookups under the not used covers? I didn't...
  11. TrailCreek

    What is this switch?

    I do, it's on, the switch is off. I'll check to see if it got installed upside-down. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  12. TrailCreek

    What is this switch?

    I did a search and not likely tank heaters either. Anyone else? Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  13. TrailCreek

    What is this switch?

    Nope. Was hoping it is for tank heaters. Does anyone have a 2017 Newport or Other Landmark 365 with tank heaters? If so, please show where you turn them on. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  14. TrailCreek

    What is this switch?

    Sorry, thought it posted. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  15. TrailCreek

    What is this switch?

    I can't figure out what this switch controls in our 2017 Newport. The one to the right of our gen remote. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  16. TrailCreek

    2017 Newport winter camping

    Smarter half asked how we keep the aluminum steps ice free. I did some research on Google but thought the Heartland family would know better. Any suggestions? I can't build a porch. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  17. TrailCreek

    2017 Newport winter camping

    Does anyone know how well using the propane furnace for all heat keep the under-floor fresh/grey/black tanks from freezing? All of my valves are internal so they would be included. I plan to skirt too. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  18. TrailCreek

    2017 Newport winter camping

    We are stuck in Southern Indiana for the winter in our 2017 Newport. It does not have an artic package. Besides getting a fabric skirting kit and heated water hose, I'd appreciate any suggestions. We're in a mobile home park that accepts long term RV's so they have utilities to handle freezing...
  19. TrailCreek

    power cord reel on 2021 newport.

    2017 with the 2019 replacement reel. Two way switch.
  20. TrailCreek

    power cord reel on 2021 newport.

    Mine does. I have to reverse the switch before it unreels. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  21. TrailCreek

    Heartlland 2022 - 4007 Cyclone soft spots floor water damage in kitchen

    It's a 2022. Call the factory. The dealer is usually clueless. I would demand a replacement. No telling how much mold is built up in the entire underbelly. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  22. TrailCreek

    40 amp fuse blown

    Are you talking about the 12V circuit breaker to the hydraulic ump? Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  23. TrailCreek

    Newport TV Coax Setup

    My Newport has antenna boost when on and degraded cable. Poor antenna and better cable when off. I do know, having worked in factories myself, that wiring is one of the least standardized components. Looms are made on a big board and plopped down at the RV. It's up to the electrician (factory...
  24. TrailCreek

    Newport TV Coax Setup

    In the bedroom as in the living toom, cable and antenna are the same connection. The other bedroom connection is for the front satellite run from the wet bay. There is another connection in the livingroom from the satellite connection in the wet bay. I added a coax port outside of the...
  25. TrailCreek

    tire monitor

    If it isn't on Amazon, it's probably no longer available. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  26. TrailCreek

    Water heater anode rod

    WDK450: Many of the long term stay parks we stay in (Full Timers) charge for electricity for stays over a month. Still, the discountd rate makes it a wash most months. For us, summer in Florida and 3 ac's can top $200 a month. We still prefer electric fireplace, electric water heater, space...
  27. TrailCreek

    Water heater anode rod

    Looks like our 12 gallon gas/electric but could be less. I believe all Suburban W/H have the same size thread but check annode rod specifications on Amazon to see if your model number is included. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  28. TrailCreek

    2010 landing gears won't move

    There is an automatic reset breaker ftom the pump. Lippert can help diagnose the problem. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  29. TrailCreek

    Outrigger drop?

    Lippert can give you an idea of whats happening and how to adjust. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  30. TrailCreek

    Inverter GFCI tripping

    Yep. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  31. TrailCreek

    Inverter GFCI tripping

    Small transfer switch at the inverter? Is that the one you replaced? Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  32. TrailCreek

    Inverter GFCI tripping

    I've heard that inverters go bad more than you would think. My main house inverter went bad and had to be changed. The 1000 watt invertor has it's own transfer switch. Also, be sure the GFCI receptical isn't tripped. Use your phone camera in selfie mode th chech the GFCI receptical on the bottom...
  33. TrailCreek

    Sway brace or no sway brace?

    I wouldn't. F350 has plenty of weight to tame your TT in my opinion. Same with equalizers. Just get a hitch at the right height and you should be fine. Just my opinion after towing trailers of all kinds and sizes with F350's for 40 years. If the trailer was bigger, I'd rather spend money on air...
  34. TrailCreek

    Slide Out Floor Replacement

    I've replaced the dinning room / love seat floor in a 2017 Newport. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  35. TrailCreek

    Blizzard NXT AC Issue

    How often do you use it and do you have a power watchdog or power conditioner? Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  36. TrailCreek

    Tire size

    Look at the tyres too. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  37. TrailCreek

    Door Gas Strut Bracket Loose

    You can epoxy a small metal plate, 18 guage minimum, under the current holes. Check the frame seal. If it drips when you open the door, the seals are leaking and need to be sealed or any wood in the door could rot. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  38. TrailCreek

    When to replace trailer tires?

    Make sure you check the date code on your spare. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  39. TrailCreek

    When to replace trailer tires?

    Our problem happened last summer. We pulled in 109 degrees or 40mph crosswinds. I think our 5 year old tires with 7,500 miles on them couldn't handle it. We monitored temps and pressure, stopping when necessary. Still, August 13th was a fun day. Back to back blowouts, about $6,500 in damage...
  40. TrailCreek

    When to replace trailer tires?

    I had a similar problem and found out the hard way. The tire dealer manager said they couldn't resell tires that were 5 years old by law. Two of mine (original tires, 5.5 years old) separated tread and blew out the same day, hours apart, causing thousands in damage to my 5th wheel. My rule is...