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  1. TrailCreek

    Rear Exterior Panel Separating From Exterior Sidewall

    Looks like some luan backing has swelled. That could be delamination. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  2. TrailCreek

    Security for unattended RD210 in permanent site

    If you have cell service, check out Simply Safe. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  3. TrailCreek

    Another leaking valve issue?

    I found the leak and it wasn't the bypass valve. One of the anderson valve connections leaked and dripped down on the foam sealant around the bypass valve lower connection. Such a slow leak I didn't see it because of the issue below. I did find that adding short extensions and quick...
  4. TrailCreek

    Another leaking valve issue?

    Anyone recommend a better replacement? Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  5. TrailCreek

    Another leaking valve issue?

    I've already replaced the Anderson valve. New valve is brass. Old one was plastic and leaked. That's why I think it could be the bypass valve, also plastic. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  6. TrailCreek

    Another leaking valve issue?

    Leaking outside of the valve, but can't see where it's coming from due to foam sealant. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  7. TrailCreek

    Another leaking valve issue?

    Has anyone had an issue with their plastic HWH bypass valve leaking? (similar to the old Anderson valve issue)
  8. TrailCreek

    2022 Trail Runner 31DB Leaning While Towing

    Good idea on weight distribution John. He did say they looked that way on the dealers lot. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  9. TrailCreek

    Outrigger drop?

    Warranty? Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  10. TrailCreek

    2022 Trail Runner 31DB Leaning While Towing

    I would still weigh both sides at a public scale. Our refuse transfer station hub has scales and will let us check trailer weight free on an weekday. Public scales are everywhere. I came through Montana and Wyoming this past summer and side winds gave us a very uncomfortable lift that looked...
  11. TrailCreek

    2022 Trail Runner 31DB Leaning While Towing

    Agreed, also, if you were towing much heavier on one side it could be unstable in high side winds. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  12. TrailCreek

    2022 Trail Runner 31DB Leaning While Towing

    My suggestion is to go to a scale and weigh each side independently. If there is a big difference from side to side you may need to add a leaf to each axle on the heavy side. That would be if the manufacturer agreed to fix it under warranty. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  13. TrailCreek

    2022 Trail Runner 31DB Leaning While Towing

    Are your equalizers level? Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  14. TrailCreek

    2022 Trail Runner 31DB Leaning While Towing

    Measure between the top of the axle and the frame. Cut a straw on the high side, both axled, then compare to the low side. Are your tanks empty? Water tank too? Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  15. TrailCreek

    Newport Kitchen Slide Out Rollers

    Mine does that too. Always thought it was designed that way. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  16. TrailCreek

    2021 Fuel 323 Tire Pressure

    Be aware of tire max pressure when temps are high. My tires said 125 psi cold max so that was what I used. On more than one occasion TPMS indicated 147psi when it was 103 degrees outside. Max for the tire was 150psi. Now, after listening to the Coop truck tire guru, I inflate them to 115psi...
  17. TrailCreek

    Soft floors in M21 Edge

    Where in the bathroom? Pictures? Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  18. TrailCreek

    converter help please

    If it has 120v power it has a breaker or plug. Nothing is wired directly to shore power. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  19. TrailCreek

    converter help please

    Not sure on that model, but locate the 120v breaker or plug that powers the charger and unplug or throw the breaker. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  20. TrailCreek


    Check with Lippert Components. They have more than chassis parts. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  21. TrailCreek

    No RV Power available

    Be sure to do a voltage drop, based on amps, length, and wire size. You can low volt and mess up your charger or inverter, If you are drawing on a 15 amp circuit, 50' using a 14/3 extension cord, it could get pretty hot.
  22. TrailCreek

    No RV Power available

    How many 120 v circuts can you access? Not just plugs, but maybe two outlets on two different breakers? Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  23. TrailCreek

    Tires and tire rotation

    After two blowouts, August 13th, yep a Friday and an hour after getting back on the road between them, we hit the closest RV park and changed everything, including ditching internal Ford TPMS. I was quick to stop but no clue from Ford. Now using TST pass through and they have been great. Sent...
  24. TrailCreek

    Tires and tire rotation

    Spare?. If not at the same time, when? If you wait until the next replacement cycle, the spare is 10 years old. If you put it on the ground at 7,8 or 9 years old, how safe will that be? I know I'm jaded on this topic, but risk/reward for me is too high. Once bitten.... Chad and Tara from...
  25. TrailCreek

    Tires and tire rotation

    What's the difference between 5 or 6 years? For us it was bad news. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  26. TrailCreek

    Tires and tire rotation

    They were all Sailun manufactured in October 2016, if I remember correctly. Unit is a 2017 delivered in January, ordered at the 2016 Tampa show and fresh from the factory. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  27. TrailCreek

    Tires and tire rotation

    AND, I will be changing all 5 every 4.5 years or sooner, based on wear from now on. I can buy 3 sets for what this day cost, not to mention being full time and the time needed to repair much of it at the dealer, we'll have to move out for ?? weeks! Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  28. TrailCreek

    Tires and tire rotation

    Yes, yes, yes. TPMS was fine until I heard the pops. 130's psi +‐, 130's temps in upper 90's weather. High, but within range. Just wasn't aware of the 5 year rule. Had 2 days of 40+mph side winds and the Coop Tire manager said that and being beyond safe age was likely the cause. We were heavy...
  29. TrailCreek

    Tires and tire rotation

    If they are 5 years old, miles are not the issue. 2 of my 5 year old Sailuns blew at less than 10,000 miles. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  30. TrailCreek

    Tires and tire rotation

    Don't forget to have TPMS on the spare and your truck spare. Flat spare tire sucks. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  31. TrailCreek

    Hartland Tires???

    Just currious, were they made in 2019? I got some in 2016 but they were made in 2015 and even with good tread they started blowing this year. Our tire guy said 5 years and change under heavy use. Maybe a little longer under limited use and covered when parked. I've had them last longer but it's...
  32. TrailCreek

    To close to house

    Angle jack. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  33. TrailCreek

    To close to house

    Angle jack with head under rear axle shackel and jack sideways. Don't lift, push. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  34. TrailCreek

    Front shell crack

    Short answer, yes. But if you are looking for an option, see if you can get to the back side of the nose cap, at the crack. That may be through the closet. I have a Newport so don't know your design. If you can, see if you can get a fiberglass repair tech (boat is great) then they can fix the...
  35. TrailCreek

    Power invertor

    Heartland uses 14/3 black extension cord between the frame and where it goes up into the slideout floor. They terminate in a 4x box in the slide or a single gang shallow expanded box and run romex to receptacles. Romex is run from the panel to a J-box on the frame, then the cord in split wire...
  36. TrailCreek

    Power invertor

    I would run #1 or 1/0 wire to a 12 volt to 110 volt inverter in the front bay and 14/2 w/G romex to the fridge for 110 volt power if its not in the slide. The higher the voltage, the smaller the wire size. Running romex would be easier and cheaper. I just had to rewire mine in the kitchen slide...
  37. TrailCreek

    Outrigger drop?

    I would be interested if other Newport owners have the same issue. I did a little more investigating and wonder if the location of the power reel has any effect or if it restricts a good outrigger location. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  38. TrailCreek

    Outrigger drop?

    I used to build RV's and the outriggers in that area look fine. The only other possibility is a cross member buckled but that would require removing the Coroplast to see. That's why I posted, looking for a shortcut to not tear into the underbelly. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  39. TrailCreek

    Outrigger drop?

    No, between I-beam and wall/slide. Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
  40. TrailCreek

    Outrigger drop?

    I felt that the floor of our Newport was off level so I pulled out a 4' level to check. Between the I-beams is level but from the I-beam to the wall has a 3/4-1" drop on the road side at the rear in the living room. I checked outriggers and saw no deformation so I at a loss to explain. The main...