Search results

  1. Princess Kathleen

    Dual Pane windows

    We recommend the dual pane windows....and the fireplace....been a many cold night that the fireplace has kept the living area cozy and warm....besides it is pretty to look at as you snuggle on the sofa....or floor....with some nice music on the surround sound and wine should I continue...of...
  2. Princess Kathleen

    Best Source For Bedding.........

    I have used in the past: Smart We use the egyptian cotton very high count sheets....1000 tc+ of course it is best to buy in the months of January and July when the white sales are happening. PK
  3. Princess Kathleen

    What type of dishes, glass or plastic?

    We have a mixture of Corell, plastic, tin, and that new rubber stuff.....I gave up my cast iron...and stoneware...but I do have baking dishes, bowls, and measuring cups I have not packed or wrapped anything to travel....nothing has broken in travel, but DH has dropped several coffee cups, but...
  4. Princess Kathleen

    Low Clearance By State

    Great list....also you can purchase a trucker atlas from the has high profile roads highlighted and bridges are listed in the front by state. PK
  5. Princess Kathleen

    Update from Admin more ties with stains..... Congrads PK
  6. Princess Kathleen

    sheets that fit?

    We have our Sealy king mattress for our bed...using 1000 count sheets in January for 49.0 plus shipping...nice PK
  7. Princess Kathleen

    Landmark VS Bighorn

    I agree with JP....once you step in a landmark....that is all it takes....we also have the classic Grand Canyon.... PK
  8. Princess Kathleen

    Good Sam Club

    I vote for Good Sam....It has stuck by the Luv Shak in Louisiana, North Carolina, New Brunswick, Quebec, and the other places we have had broken many to recall, but GS has been there..... PK
  9. Princess Kathleen

    We won

    We have a gps and its name is Simon....don't know what kind of gps we won....if it is better than the tom tom....we will keep it and pass on Simon to the artist. The eatery is Geno's in Foley Alabama.... Vance is called Prince....because he is married to a Princess PK
  10. Princess Kathleen

    We won

    Hi to All, I entered the Luv Shak photo from Nauvoo, IL and we won. The contest was held by Bella Terra out of Foley, AL. We won a $100 gift certificate to a local eater and a gps. YEAH for the Luv Shak PK:D
  11. Princess Kathleen

    Campground Suggestions please

    Place to eat in Fayetteville, AR is "Rue Orleans". this is real Louisiana cooking. The owner and chef is a friend of mine...Maudie Schmidt...we taught in the same school system...but she knows me by my old name....Linda King before I became a princess!!!!! PK
  12. Princess Kathleen

    Port Aransas, TX

    The Luv Shak is on the move again, this time heading for Knoxville, TN to visit oldest daughter. PK
  13. Princess Kathleen

    Arkansas State Parks

    We have been in Arkansas over the last 2 weeks. While here we stayed a Petit Jean Mountain (near Morrilton0and Lake Dardanelle(near Russelville) State Parks. The parks were well maintained and had beautiful vistas. We got the winter rate which is half price of the normal rate...$13 to $15 a...
  14. Princess Kathleen


    We have a 2006 Grand Canyon and we changed the tires out last summer after having 2 blowouts within one hour of each other. PK
  15. Princess Kathleen

    Stackable Wash & Dryer

    We have a Splendide combo. After our test run a few years ago in a pop up, we decided we wanted a washer/dryer. To look for a place to do laundry which is usually not in the best sections of town or the campground laundry is busy is not fun. I have a load on now and we are getting ready to...
  16. Princess Kathleen

    Room Darkening of Day/Night Shades?

    Add pillows to the step area....might cover toliet fan area....sleep well
  17. Princess Kathleen

    surge protectors

    We agree with what JP said....we have a surge protector....and it has saved us also... PK
  18. Princess Kathleen

    Jeff Foxworth on folks from Texas

    You might be a redneck if your pick up truck has foil and duct tape for the rear window....I really saw this in Alabama Port Alabama just last week All in fun Smile PK
  19. Princess Kathleen

    Luv Shak Update

    WE will not be there....hubby is worried about the temperature being to warm....since his heart thing...he can not take the warm weather... But we will be in Goshen the next year PK
  20. Princess Kathleen

    Luv Shak Update

    We are in Mobile, Alabama at the Alabama Port RV campground. We came over to meet up with Vance's brother and kids (4) and take in the Mardi Gras. The kids had fun....we really wore them out....I enjoyed cooking for them... The cg use to be a FEMA park but they are working fast and hard to...
  21. Princess Kathleen

    Help! Suggestions/recommendations required

    Also a Good Sam's Emergency Road Card....We have used the card more than all the tools PK
  22. Princess Kathleen

    Luv Shack?

    It is here...former students now grown have offered a sack for us...we will take them up on the offer....guess it was good I was such a wonderful teacher....
  23. Princess Kathleen

    Luv Shack?

    Yet another story for the Luv Shak We arrived in Duson, LA at Frog City RV park safely. But as always there is another story. Our truck broken down about 20 miles from the park, Good Sam's to the rescue. The wrecker pulled truck and Luv Shak to a Ford dealership. Dropped the truck and then...
  24. Princess Kathleen

    Shower soap dish

    We bought a soap dish with a suction cup on it from Camping well...then you can move it to the desired heighth or place. PK
  25. Princess Kathleen

    shower skylight shade

    We did the auto sunblock fold up thing...cut to size of the shower skylight...velcroed all away around. When we shut the pocket door with pillows in the step it makes it if the neighbors next door would take care of their dog instead of throwing it out at the crack of dawn to do its...
  26. Princess Kathleen

    Full Body Paint Bighorn? Why Not?

    As you know, the Luv Shak, is fully painted. We have not had any problems in heating up or cooling down; just small tree limb stubs!!!!! The Luv Shak has been washed black streaks for us...just lots of comments... PK
  27. Princess Kathleen

    Niagara Falls Trip

    If you do the KOA at NF plan to pay $$$$$ the sites are small and you are right on a major highway also there is a roller coaster park next door...but you can get a tour to pick you up at your site.... PK
  28. Princess Kathleen

    Landmark in Boulder City

    Well, we enjoyed our Christmas with the family in Knoxville, TN and now we are leaving Caney Creek RV in Harriman, TN Saturday to head for South Louisiana to have the rear cap painted. Give us a wave if you see us. PK
  29. Princess Kathleen

    re: cold weather camping

    In reply to why I wanted to experience is because in south Louisiana we would just get a dusting about every 10 years. I wanted to see the real stuff falling, piled up, build a real snow person, and just look at the beauty of snow.....well in Nauvoo IL I experienced all....I still...
  30. Princess Kathleen

    re: cold weather camping

    yes, but a south louisiana girl wanted to experience snow.... pk
  31. Princess Kathleen

    re: cold weather camping

    We were in Champaign IL with the same winds but temps at 23 and chill at 3...we had to pull in the slides...our problem was frozen water...could not get water from the fresh tank to the pump...we do have heat strips...yep the south louisiana girl was warm and cozy inside, but dirty pk
  32. Princess Kathleen

    Season's gretings from Canada

    you are correct.....well we will be in the end of April, what route we take is still up for the choosing....have not decided that...but not to brag...granddaughter (Yafa) is sure cute...especially opening her Christmas presents of books and puzzles.... MC PK
  33. Princess Kathleen

    Season's gretings from Canada

    Merry Christmas....hope to be in Canada ini April PK
  34. Princess Kathleen

    Luv Shak is in the shop

    We are in Champaign IL with very very high winds. This will delay us getting to Knoxville on Christmas eve. Hope the wind decreases so we will be there late on Christmas day. Thanks for all the well wishes....yes we had planned to stop by and visit Butch and Karen. As the jolly ole' man...
  35. Princess Kathleen

    Luv Shak is in the shop

    Well, the Luv Shak is on the road and heading for Knoxville. The repair shops did a very good job. It will be nice to sleep in our home again. PK
  36. Princess Kathleen

    Captain01 is bashing Heartland again on RV.Net

    You know sometimes somepeople can not be pleased no matter what you do. PK
  37. Princess Kathleen

    Big Horn Travel Trailer

    HI We are in AR staying in brother-in-laws BIGHORN TRAVEL TRAILER :eek: I did not believe that he had a bumper hitch Bighorn, but he does....of course it is nothing like our Luv Shak....but it is full of Heartland quality. We will be heading back north next week to pick up the Luv Shak...
  38. Princess Kathleen

    Luv Shak is in the shop

    We were able to get out of Nauvoo State Park with snow and some ice on the road and into the repair shop in Carthage, IL. They will replace the roof. Then onto a body shop to replace the rear cap. Thank goodness for insurance. We are out 3 bills....but DH did about 2 thsd in damage. So, we...
  39. Princess Kathleen

    living in a landmark?

    We are in Illinois, and it has been cold. We supplement the furnace with small electric heaters. This helps cut down on propane expense. But we do have dual pane windows.
  40. Princess Kathleen

    Perspective Landmark buyer with questions.. [LONG!]

    We have been fulltiming since April,06 and enjoying it. We were orginally from Louisiana, but bought from RVs for Less, in Knoxville TN. A great dealer to work with. We have a Grand Canyon model. We opt for all the comforts of home when we purchased. We have been around the service...