Search results

  1. C

    Intermittent Outages / Slow downs

    Good today. OK yesterday, once I got on, but that took almost 10 minutes. Got three games of Spider Solitaire while waiting. Also, sometimes when I get on, it tells me that I last visited 1 minute ago and other times it stays at the appropriate time.
  2. C

    Free Campgrounds

    Thanks, John. Good info.
  3. C

    Tiki Village - Lakeland FL

    I could have sworn that in a previous post I had mentioned that I was interested in southern states feedback because Tiki Village (where we had wintered the past three years) had been sold. I cannot find the post, and it didn't receive any replies, so let me take this opportunity to mention that...
  4. C

    Sceptre TV's

    Even though it says 1080i,I believe that this is a 720 pixel set -I could be wrong. It is sold by Sprectre Technologies and I didn't want to invest $300/month to get its pedigree. One thing I saw said that it had 1 employee, but this may be a default number where actual information is not...
  5. C

    Part two of the tire story

    Thanks, John. I went back to my post and corrected the tire nomenclature. Incidentally, mine are stamped "Made in U.S.A." The lot number was within a month of the date that I purchased them. I replaced all five and have already had to use the spare - not because of a tire failure, but from a...
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    Part two of the tire story

    There has been considerable discussion in the past on LT tires. Try a search. My G614RSTs are LT235/85R16s, but they are specific for trailering.
  7. C

    Patio/Awning Mats for 3055RL

    We have stayed at campgrounds where you camp on grass and patio mats are not allowed unless they are the "breatheable" kind. That means that it cannot have the latex backing on it, like the instant lawn kind does. Please keep this in mind.
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    Preparing for Travel _ Refrigerator

    Me, too, although the daily sometimes may be 4-5 days, but I read everything and learn a lot, and I've been RVing since 1975.
  9. C

    Travel trailer RV Insurance for part timers

    Collision and comprehensive must be on the trailer policy - they are not covered by the tow vehicle's policy.
  10. C

    Slider Hitch

    Searching, good to hear from another Michigander. You've already got one of the finest hitches made - by all means, keep it. That's exactly what I have. One word of caution, though. Make sure that your Heartland dealer installs the capture plate with the bolts provided. Mine took the easy...
  11. C

    Preparing for Travel _ Refrigerator

    I go on too as I do not want to fill up with the crud that is floating around because of the tanker filling the tanks. I only hope when I pull in to fill up that a tanker has not recently been there and is now gone.
  12. C

    Does this mean I'm getting old?

    I joined 20 years ago when I was 46. Got all the benefits except that I could not vote on issues. Have you ever been asked to vote on anything that AARP puts out???
  13. C

    Heck-of-a-Rally or what? - best thing to happen to the internet.
  14. C

    Surge protecters

    Thanks, John. This one works fine.
  15. C

    Slider Hitch

    Ken, the Pullrite can't use the lube plate as it is fixed onto the hitch head. The lithium that Larry is talking about is on the slider tubes. The turning on the Superglide is done through a cam that utilizes the tubes. That being said, there is a dry way to lubricate the tube slides and this...
  16. C

    Surge protecters

    Surge Protector Link is not working John, this link would not work for me.
  17. C

    Great Lakes rally

    We may be interested if diesel fuel doesn't continue to escalate. We are about 120 NW of your home.
  18. C

    Calling Branson KOA

    Departure dates Jim, any chance of posting departure dates as well? We have a wedding to attend on June 14 back in Michigan. Seeing some coming as early as June 5 might allow us to attend the rally, coming early, but pulling out on Friday the 13th, or even staying beyond the rally date and...
  19. C

    Hi - From Chris - Tech Consultant (Regarding Technical Issues)

    Still a small problem here I submitted this under another thread, but I think that this is the correct thread that this should be linked to... Almost daily, I see threads that "next unread posts" or whatever it is called skip some that I have not seen. It seems to happen most frequently when...
  20. C

    New Discussion-Late Spring So. Cal. Rally

    Jim, you may want to look further into AARP - I joined when I was 47 as a non-voting member (never have had anything to vote on anyway, so big deal) and it saved a lot of bucks on my homeowners insurance (which was the reason that I wanted it). A friend who was only 45 at the time and a member...
  21. C

    Bighorn vs. Garbage can.....

    Well, I had a problem with my BH and a concrete post ($3,800) nearly three years ago and I am still paying the surcharge on my TV premiums - it's not a free ride. No accidents or tickets in many years, so it was just that one incident.
  22. C

    RV Awning Clamp

    I think that there are two different problems being addressed here which is confusing the issue. 1. The awning arms. 2. The awning itself billowing out without the arms moving. Thus, two different problems need two different solutions - unless the solution for #2 would also take care of #1.
  23. C

    Problems draining gray water tank #2 in Landmark

    I had purchased one of those gate valves last summer as when I would remove the cap, there was always about a quart of brownish fluid that would run out. However, the first trip out after putting this on, I blew a tire and that gate valve became MIA. What I now wonder is if the tire blowing...
  24. C

    Bighorn Entertainment Systems Standards and Options

    Same here on my 2006 3655RD. We put a small TV in the bedroom.
  25. C

    We won

    A princess and a queen. What title does Vince have? Congrats on winning.
  26. C

    Update from Admin

    Congratulations What wonderful news. We owners now have our own Director. While I have seen the advances Heartland has made since we bought our 2006 model - much of this because Heartland listens to its owners. With you now in this new, but critical position, we are assured that Heartland...
  27. C

    Snowbirds - where are you camping?

    It looks like the park in Lakeland that I have stayed at the past three years is being sold in July to a developer that has been purchaisng a lot of the surrounding homes. Rumor has it that it might stay open as a campground for the next couple of years, but that a four-lane road is going in...
  28. C

    3670 help

    What is the maximum weight of the H range?
  29. C

    Truck versus trailer lists-what do you think?

    Bob, not sure what you mean by "down" weight, unless you do mean the weight on the truck, but, if so, it is not the same as towing weight. Towing weight is how much weight of a trailer or 5th wheel can you pull. It would include the weight on the trailer axles as well as the pin weight on the...
  30. C

    fuel milage

    With 16,951 on my 2006 Dodge 3500 with the 4.10 rear end, and keeping track of every fuel purchase I've made since I bought the truck, my overall average is 12.24. My last fill of 474 miles with about half highway and half city averaged 14.6 (maybe it's now starting to get broken in). The...
  31. C

    3670 help

    Is this a typo or is there a H range tire now offered?
  32. C

    Hi - From Chris - Tech Consultant (Regarding Technical Issues)

    OK - tonight it happened once for sure and one other time. First time, I was on the thread "Poll: Overall Happiness/General Satifsaction with your Heartland Trailer". Came up on #24, and I don't think that I had seen #21-23. Second time - for sure, I was on thread "Do you feel safe in your...
  33. C

    Tire concern with new Sundance

    Jim, when you blew the left front, you placed the entire left side of the coach on the left rear tire, exceeding its rating by almost twice. When this happened to us, I would have replaced both tires on the left side, but I was paranoid about the TrailAmerica tires and DW told me to replace...
  34. C

    Info on new 3580RL

    Wow! I've never seen so many pictures showing an RV. The dealer did a good job.
  35. C

    Hi - From Chris - Tech Consultant (Regarding Technical Issues)

    LK - I'm the only one that uses this PC - my DW does not even know how to open the case (and doesn't want to learn). What you are asking is exactly correct. And, the first thing I do before going to the posts is to check to see when I was last on. I should add that this only happens...
  36. C

    Hi - From Chris - Tech Consultant (Regarding Technical Issues)

    View First Unread is not always the first Discovered this yesterday, but wanted to double check today... Tonight I signed in about 25 hours from the last time I had accessed the forum. As I was going through the new posts and threads, I discovered, quite by accident that where I thought the...
  37. C

    Help! Suggestions/recommendations required

    Glad it was you. I thought your plate was from Manitoba. I've walked over there a few times, but your truck was not there. Glad you are seeing the sites this beautiful part of Florida has to offer. We are on site 1, just north of the pond - red Dodge pickup. MI plate KLM 38. Looking...
  38. C

    New Tires

    psi is not always stamped on the rim I agreed with this quote - until today. My new wheels came in today from a retailer who purchased them from Tredit. There is no psi on the new wheels, but there was on the old. They did say 3,750 for the max weight, so they are basically exact...
  39. C

    YIKES! Mouse in the house!!

    A mouse must be one of the most flexible of all pests as it doesn't take much of an opening for the critter to come in. Many suggest moth balls when putting the trailer into temporary storage. We've tried this with less than successful results and have gotten a stinky trailer as a result...
  40. C

    Something Everybody Needs To Check!

    Look at my post just before yours. Hopefully, you have one cylinder on each side of your 5er which will give you a door on each side.