just put new batteries in my 5th wheel and now all of a sudden the control panel is not responding as normal. see the video. any tips? suggestions besides I must replace the panel. I am selling the rig and have a buyer, but now have this dilemma. Thanks in advance. I can email you a video...
I put my 2016 big horn 3160 on a consignment lot here in Tacoma WA last month for sale. Concerned about winter damage if we are not using the rig at all and they are not doing anything in terms of humidifiers, etc to prevent moisture and warpage inside the 5th wheel. I drained all water out of...
Scott Knight <scottdknight1@gmail.com>
Jul 9, 2023, 8:19 PM (9 days ago)
2017 Heartland Big Horn 3160EL 35' 5th wheel - $42,000
Excellent condition
New roof
8' rolling rack that rolls out of the storage area
New mattress
fully equipped with cooking items and...
Any suggestions ? My furn fan sounds rickety when starting up and gets quiet as it starts pushing propane and heat. Is that normal ?
I assume not
Should I spray the fan bushing with Teflon or lithium?
I called Progressive today and they said they can't insure my 5th wheel rig in Tacoma WA that I live in full time on wheels vs on a platform... not sure why they said no...
I own it and it is on my son's property on his driveway. 2017 big horn 3160. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks!
I will try more water at each time we use toilet.
I have black valve closed until tank 2/4 full.
Then I attach macerator and pump black water into tank.
We're living in the 5tth wheel...
I keep having 2 issues:
1. the black water is too thick like oatmeal consistency - tried Unique and Happy Camper. Happy Camper is better at keeping the smell down. Both are not breaking down the black water.. I drain about every 3 weeks into a 300 gallon...
I added a check valve from Amazon in front of the water pump and that has solved the fresh water overflowing from the city water !
Thx everyone for the tip!
I flushed the black water tank with my macerator. Then poured water through back flush valve but didn’t get more black water out of the 3” pipe. I wouldn’t think I need to add 30-40 gallons.
Any tips ?
replaced the valterra valve, but used the old cable. there is no leak when the valve is shut through the 3" pipe now!!! woohoo!
but, there is as drip drip leak off the bottom of the valterra valve. I don't want to tighten the bolts too tight and crack the plastic casing.. was thinking of...
I'm not sure what a black tank slug is.... is this on top of my black tank under my 5th wheel and I would have to drop the black water tank to get to it? Please let me know. thx for your time!!! really appreciate it!
It is now hard to pull on the handle and hard to push in the black water handle. It looks like the valterra valve on the rig is pulled open.
Can the door separate from the post? The post looks like it has moved like it should. See the attached photo
Also have a slow leak of pee even with the...
ok. Will try it.
Does it matter if I’m turning it clockwise to get to city and go beyond ? Or counter clockwise.
In the past I just turned the arrow to city or tank or normal.
I never went 360 degrees in with direction. So maybe only going from 600 to 1200 o clock had caused this problem.
Last two days for first time - with city water press on the water is overflowing the fresh water tank.
No matter where I set the valve - city or normal - it over flows
Can it be the valve in the wet bay or the water pump?
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thx guys. I have one of these. And a back flush on the big horn 6160 5th wheel.
I’ll try both to see if it will start to drain.
I’m assume the valve on the tank is stuck closed no matter how many times I open and close the cable to the valve.
It’s very hard to pull The handle out and in. I use a macerator, but. Nothing is coming out of the 3” pipe. I assume the valve is shut closed.
Am thinking I might back flush it and see if I need more fluids in the tank. I can never tell if it’s full. Always have 4 lights on so the meters are...
could you do me a favor? can you take photos of where you put your switch? where your cut out is located? do you have 2017 big horn 3160? can you describe where you cut into a 12v line? I assume it is not accessible to take a photo? I think I am going to buy a Valterra EZ Valve 3" Electric...
has anyone installed a Valterra EZ Valve 3" Electric Waste Valve System on their heartland big horn 5th wheel? Have a slow leak in the black tank valve.....
any tips would be appreciated.
thx for the tip....
mine valterra is not able to come apart, so I bought a stand-alone valterra to put in front of clear tube..
my fear is I live in WA and I'm afraid the 3" pipe behind the new valterra valve may crack if the temps get in the 20s like they have with the 3" black pipe completely...
every day now, I have a pint or so of brown water in my valterra clear pipe.
any tips on how to check and or repair the seals on I assume my black water tank?
thx... I have the flush king, but haven't back flushed with it much... any tips on how to much water to throw up line would be appreciated.... It didn't seem to bring forth much after I drained the black water....
thx again for the tip
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