Kitchen/Microwave Vent


Well-known member
This probably comes under the heading of "dumb questions"...but here goes anyway. We recently picked up our BH 3010RE and brought it home. We are about 300 miles from the dealer, so don't want to go back for simple question. We have an exhaust fan from the under cabinet microwave to the outside, however there is a flapper cover on the exterior side of the vent opening that seems to be secured in place and does not open to allow air out. The flapper seems to be hinged at the top and is under an exterior vent hood, but I cannot seem to free up the lower side of the flapper. Are there catches here that I am not aware of? Told you it was a dumb question.


Active Member
There should be two tabs on the flapper just push up fairly hard they will release,don't forget to fasten down while in transit or they will blow away.

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Well-known member
We have one white little 'tab' that rotates up to hold the flapper in place.

I more often forget to open the flapper than forget to close it.

I think we've put on a number of miles with the flapper flapping, and it's still there... but I'm sure it would last longer NOT flapping down the hwy.


Well-known member
I have the same model and I opened the flapper about 4000 miles ago and forgot all about it until I read this, I just went out and looked and it is still there. This style vent is different than the one I have had on previous rigs in as much as the opening at the bottom of the vent cover is considerably narrower that the other style. Unlike the other style it looks like it would really be hard for the wind to affect this one. I will try to remember to close this one, but because of the height it is kind of a PITA.


Well-known member
Thanks to all for the advice. My flapper appears to be the one with the two tabs on the bottom edge. I had tried to push them up, pry them down/out; but was afraid to force the issue in case I broke something (something I have a habit of doing...according to my wife) I will give them another try (gently). I also found that the vent itself is located on the exterior wall too high to be reached without a step ladder, but that's no big deal in the grand scheme of life I guess.


Pennsylvania Chapter Leaders-retired
To open and close the flapper on my vent I use a 1/2" dowel rod long enough to reach from the ground. With it I can push up on the tabs to open and push them in to close. I too have left it unlocked while traveling without issue.

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Well-known member
Similar to the previous poster I have a 2x2 that has a plastic wire hold down thingy. One end is screwed to the wood the other hangs off the edge to use with my flapper flippers.

I also have markings on this piece of wood for how far out each slide moves. Just walk around and measure if ever in doubt.


Active Member
On your new 3010RE the vent for the stove exhaust does open with the 2 tabs on the bottom. Like yours mine was difficult to open as well, but you do push up on the 2 tabs on the bottom to open it. I had to use a razor knife to clean up the excess caulk around the tabs and that did the trick. It doesn't take much caulk around the bottom of the tabs to make them difficult to push up. After you get it opened work the cover back and forth several times locking/unlocking and it will be easier to release.


Well-known member
I set my similar stove blower vent up with some bead chain on the inside of the vent, attached to the flap, and a spring on the outside pulling the flap open. A hole for the bead chain with a notch at the bottom on the hood face completes the mechanism. Loosen the chain, the spring pulls the flap open - pull on the chain and park it in the cutout notch, and the flap is closed.


Retired Colorado Chapter Leaders
I keep a set of hiking poles (have rubber tips) in the rig....I use one to release the tabs and then leave it by the door while we are in reminds me to close the tabs before we leave (since I need to put it away before we leave). Hardly ever use the hiking poles for hiking but glad they're there to use for the vent! Got real tired of dragging the step stool back & forth.


Well-known member
I have the newer style vent. Opened it last August. Still open and still in place. New style does not seem to flap during high winds.

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Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
I have the newer style vent. Opened it last August. Still open and still in place. New style does not seem to flap during high winds.

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Yay, an upgraded item for new coaches. Too bad the hole needed for this new vent is not the same as the old-style vent -- so no easy upgrade -- I asked the factory.

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Well-known member
There are two tabs that you need to turn to open the flap.I turned the tabs 5 years ago and never turned them again.


Well-known member
I must be missing somthing. My BH 3160 has two tabs that definitely don't twist. I tried pushing but no luck. Can someone please take a picture of them when unlocked?



Well-known member
I use an awning pull rod to open and close my microwave vent.

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Well-known member
That item is on my "close up" check list because I have forgotten to secure the flap more than once. Check lists are very important. I have never had this happen but I understand gear-up landings are really exciting.


Pennsylvania Chapter Leaders-retired
Picture of vent on my 2014 3010. 2 tabs need to push up and pull out. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1401489936.858778.jpg

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Well-known member
Picture of vent on my 2014 3010. 2 tabs need to push up and pull out. View attachment 30026

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Kary from Heartland sent us some photos. We got it open! It was a rather tough push. I was initially concerned about breaking it. We left it open on our drive to our first campsite (we are there now). It traveled well. I need our ladder to get up and close or open it.

Thanks for the help!