Cyclone 4100 gray tanks? Black tanks?


Okay husband is at work..doing laundry and water (gray) fills the bathtub.
I go out to open the gray valves vut they are not marked.? Is it black,gray,gray?
Or gray,black,gray..? Ugh


Well-known member
Okay husband is at work..doing laundry and water (gray) fills the bathtub.
I go out to open the gray valves vut they are not marked.? Is it black,gray,gray?
Or gray,black,gray..? Ugh

The one you want (gray tank for W/D, bathtub/shower and bathroom sink, should be the handle closest to the front (or left as you look at them). To figure out which is the black tank handle, empty them all (I am assuming your hooked up to the campground facilities) , make sure there is no water noise in the hose, close all 3 handles, then pour several gallons down the toilet. Then figure out which drains the black tank - it should be the middle one, but not 100% the same in each 4100. Not sure why, but it seems to be part of the game we have to partake in.


Well-known member
I used a labeler and labeled the inside door so it would be clear which was the grey and which was the black tank valve. This helped clear up the confusion.


Well-known member
I actually peeled the labels off the outside of our 3010 and placed them back down over the respective handles inside. Has worked out well so far. Once I figured out which one was what.


Active Member
Like Doc said - have to just open them up one at a time to figure out which is which. On my 4150 I have 2 sets of gray and black tanks with a set of handles for each. You would think they would be the same, but they aren't. One set is side by side and the other is top and bottom. One would also think that going from left to right and then top to bottom as we read here in the U.S. they would be in the same order - but you would be wrong using that kind of logical thinking. Just have to give them a go and see what opens what and then label them yourself.


Well-known member
You guys are just too fancy with the printed labels. I took a Sharpie and marked B or G next to the handles about four years ago. :)


Well-known member
They are wrong and in the wrong place. Regardless of how you mark/label the dump valves. BLUF - They need to be identified because they weren't properly from the factory.