Newly Retired




Past British Columbia Chapter Leader
Congrats Traveler)&. Rick you now have the best Job there is. Enjoy, play hard at the hobbies and get paid for it from the pension...


Well-known member
Rick ol' buddy ol' pal - congratulations friend!

I am hoisting this up to you:

We'll give it a workout at the IL and MI rallies!

Enjoy life friend.


Terry H

Past Texas North Chapter Leader/Moderator
Staff member

Congratulations, I hope you and your wife have lots of fun travels, and lots of fun miles.

Hope to meet up with you again......



Arkansas Chapter Leader-Retired
Congratulations jimtoo.
I'm right behind you. I got 18 working days left, but I'm only working 2 days a week.
The end of Sept I will be joining you.


Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
Congratulations Rick! Lin & I are coming up on 2 years retired in a couple of weeks. Best decision we've ever made. Enjoy your free time! Time to Travel!


Founding Illinios Chapter Leader-retired
Way to go Rick ,you finally made it, best of years to come for you and Blanca. We are looking forward to camping with you and some more great times together. Wish you the best OLD buddy and have many great adventures in your travels....Ken & Kathy


Legendary Member
Rick, I'll join the others in congratulating you. I'm about a year behind you, but will retire in August next year.

Looking forward to meeting you at a rally sometime.


Staff member
Congrats on your retirement. I will soon know edzakary how it feels. I am down to 28 days. Exciting yet kind of scarry. Along with a bad case of hitch itch.


Founding New Mexico Chapter Leader
Congrad Cookie I know how you feel and cant wait for that date to come. It will be nice to go when you want and not wait for your vac to come around and not having to hurry to get there and get home and ready for work good luck and have a blaston your retirement TRAVELER07 Rick


Well-known member
Congrats on the announcement Dave. Hope you and the other half of the Cookie make it to the Dells this weekend.



Founding New Mexico Chapter Leader
Jay C I'm waiting for you to join us oldies[ha]but goodies in retirement will be waiting for you at senior hour for coffee at McDonaldsTRAVELER07 Rick
Hi Rick,

I know we don't know you, but the wife and I are both in the same field, although we still have a few years till retirement. But when a brother or sister in blue (or green or brown:)) retires, we always give a big CONGRATULATIONS!

Enjoy it! we know you've earned it,

Brandon & Chris


Well-known member
Hopefully, one year and 3 days, but I'm not counting, the excitement would surely kill me.