1st Trip Ever Completed, mostly successful


So 1st trip in the books, everything for most part went well, however, when we were bringing the slides in, the living room slide got stuck for about 2-3 seconds then released shaking the 5th wheel, this is a new unit, is this normal?


Well-known member
I have had intermittent electric slide problems since 2015 22FBS was new. Still don’t know why no power occasionally. More like few hours than few minutes and power restored. Not auto c/b cuz I’ve tested output when slide isn’t working. Good luck trouble shooting. There is some trouble shooting advice on forum here.

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Well-known member
Check for anything impending movement. A grandchild dropped a Lego and couldn't locate it. The slide did. It took some contortionist moves, but got it out. Could be a small object or a heating vent screws or a piece of trim catching (yep, experts at all 3). Watch inside to see if it stops or pauses at the same place.


Not having a problem with the power getting to it or stopping, it started coming in for a second then its like someone or something held it from coming in, right side only then let it go 2-3 seconds later, never lost power, just got stuck on something.


Well-known member
Not normal. If the hydraulic pump motor began to bog down, versus stopped making noise, you probably have a mechanical problem.

Check the gears under the slide for chipped or misaligned teeth. Also make sure the slide is pulled in the same on both ends - that it didn't slip alignment.