#2 Gray Tank (Kitchen) Won't drain completely..


Well-known member
I made a deal with Sue a long time ago. She cooks, we eat, I wash dishes. She does a great job and so do I, and I use Dawn.



Past Arkansas Chapter Leaders
We had a similar problem with our tanks, we put some chemicals found at most RV stores or even at Wal-Mart, into the sinks and black water tank these are intended to break up grease and soap scum, I added 6-8 gallons of water and drove to our next destination! With the coach moving it caused the water to move around and it apparently helped to desolved the problem and we got back to normal readings, we found that it helps to do this now and then and it keeps the probes working.
Good luck,
my #1 gray tank did the same thing (shower on landmark) , the valve is leaking, so it always draining. I noticed that every time I removed the hose connection cap, water came out. so for me , the value is not closing all the way

Uncle Rog

Well-known member
The valve looks like the hot ticket, I always lose some "liquid" when I unscrew the cap.................


Just emptied my #2 tank and a round plastic cut out finally worked it's way out--Now can anybody tell me how I can fix the #1 pull valve?? I opened to drain now it wouldn't close--out of warranty but mechanically inclined--Thank You