[Mich fall rally schedule at Jellystone Park Frankenmuth Michigan .] Greetings; This is a schedule for the Frankenmuth Mich rally every thing is OPTIONAL. I will arrive on Tuesday Sep.16th and would like to thank all the attendees Thursday Sep 18th a meet and greet,evening campfire[weather permitting],check out city, [ optional]check out Oct. fest [optional].Fri.Sep.19th show us your mods and or unit [optional],check out Bronners Christmas store[optional],check out Oct fest[optional],check out city[optional]6pm is dinner reservations at Zhenders[all you can eat] German style family chicken dinner $18.95 a person, bev. not included.[optional] after dinner we can check out the Oct fest or go back to campground.Sat.Sep.20 9am breakfast at Tonys I75 resturant Birch Run big breakfast [I mean BIG] is $8.63 person [you get a doggie bag, is optional],after breakfast we will stop at Birch Run General RV to look at the Heartland models on display.[optional] 6 pm pot luck dinner [bring a dish to pass around,and bring your eatting utinsiles]after dinner just hanging out,or what ever you feeling like doing. Sun.Sep.21,9am I will cook blueberry pancakes, o.j.and coffee,again bring your eatting utinsiles say our good byes . REMEMBER Everything is a OPTION and you don't have to do it. Thank YOU TRAVELER07 Looking forward to seeing you soon! I can't wait!