2014 Bighorn 3875 FB Gray Water Tank Overflow or Leak? or Both? Help!!


My new to me 2014 BH 3875 gray tank under the shower and washer/dryer is leaking or has overflowed. I opened the gate and drained the tank that was clearly full. I removed the plastic cover and yucky insulation and dried everything out. Closed the gate and left the plastic cover etc. off. One week later I'm doining laundry and sitting on the deck. I see the water dripping again. What the heck? I opened the gate again and the leak/overflow stopped. What is happening? Do I have a leak or am I simply overflowing the tank? Where is this gray water coming from? I can't see the top of the tank to see where the water goes into the tank. What kind of fitting is up there? Why isn't there an overflow system that will drain this water outside? When the tank was full previously, it would back up into the shower. It's not doing that anymore.

Where can I get blueprints of my camper?

So many questions, I know. Any help you can provide would be great.

Thank you


Well-known member
The gray and black tanks don't have any overflow built in. If you have the gate valves closed and you fill them over their capacity, the tanks will expand and water will either be forced out of the joints or up the vent stack and out on the roof.

During the summer, we keep the gray valves open for 5 days and then close them 2 days before planned dump of the black tank, which we do every 7th day.


Prolifically Gabby Member
You may have to take down the basement walls to get a look at the top of that tank. Sounds like there may be a loose fitting where either the vent pipe or drain enters the top of it. Unfortunately, those fittings are glued together, not threaded together like some of your home bathroom fittings. The other possibility could be at the valve, too. It leaks when full, but when it's opened there's enough flow to pull it past a crack, aspirating air into the stream.

Start with gaining access to the tank from the basement to see if the top of it is wet.