2015 Landmark 365 - Hot Water Quantity and Flow


Re: 2015 Landmark Newport poor hot water

Bryced15, I know you said you "checked" the water heater bypass valve and the outside shower. What I would like for you to check is actually open and close the bypass valve with the hot water running in the sink or someplace and the same with the outside shower ,,, actually open and close the valves and make sure it puts water out the shower head and not just being closed off at the quick shutoff button on the outside shower head. The reason I ask you to do this is there maybe just a small something (trash) caught in one of the valves and it's not shutting off completely and it would not take much to cause your problem.

Jim M


Well-known member
Re: 2015 Landmark Newport poor hot water

I took a shower in the RV this time to try it out for myself. I took a considerably hot shower and did not have to turn it to full crank (wife takes too hot of a shower) ;). The water pressure was MUCH stronger than the old Landmark. I timed myself and my shower took 6 min, but I just stayed in until the hot ran out. At 10 minutes and 30 seconds the hot ran out. Next I filled a bucket while timing it. In 1 min it filled 1 1/2 gallons. So, I put an adjustable reducer on the shower head and backed it down to 1 gpm. Still felt like plenty of pressure. We'll see, but I believe this is going to solve the issue. Wife said she's going to take a lower temperature shower too. I may look into that 140 degree thermostat. I've thought about the tankless route, but not sure if I want gas only right now.


Well-known member
Re: 2015 Landmark Newport poor hot water


Based on your testing, sounds like all systems may be functioning as they should. Good idea on reducing the flow-rate (gpm). I think a few of us would have suggested that, but only you could "sell it" to your wife :) The higher temp stat may also be a nice mod. Let us know if you do it and how it changes things.

As for the tankless and gas usage, I hear ya. Looking forward to getting 30# tanks in my new Landmark 365 demo in February and only having to hump the smaller tanks. With the residential refer, induction cooktop, two heat pumps, electric fireplace and using AC power for hot water, we'll only use gas for the generator on a day to day basis, and then only at lunch time on travel days.

When you get a chance, please visit this thread and let us know what you think about the True Induction cooktop.


Past Heartland Ambassador
Re: 2015 Landmark Newport poor hot water

We have always taken "Navy" showers in the RV...been doing it so long now...I even do it in S&B....12 gallons isn't a lot when the water keeps running...


Well-known member
Re: 2015 Landmark Newport poor hot water

Wife took a 12 minute shower tonight with no temperature change. She said it was hot and good pressure still. Happy camper!