2016 Bighorn 3585RL Theater Seating


Active Member
Hello All! ,
I'll be picking up a new 2016 Bighorn 3585RL on Friday. I have a friend that really likes the Theater seating ( dual powered recliners, massage, and heated seats)
He would like to inquire about purchasing this theater seating for his trailer. When he went into the local dealership, first question asked was "have you purchased a coach from us in the past? " Since the answer was a "no", no information would be provided to him. This is strange to me, as he's a prospective customer and being turned away. Back on topic.... :)

So - does anyone on this forum know who the manufacturer is for this theater seating?

Thanks in advance!



Well-known member
I'm guessing it was Curtis that did that....they are a strange bunch.

Seeing how YOU just bought from them, then you could ask for pricing. Just say you love yours so much, you want to add them to your other trailer. :)


Past Heartland Ambassador
You could call customer service at Heartland, give them your VIN# and they can tell you exactly who makes it.


Pacific Region Directors-Retired
Flexsteel makes one that is not the exact same, but is a great product. Its what the DW and I are looking at replacing our recliners with.

thank them for not selling you that junk....threw mine out front with a FREE sign on it after 6 months .... one wouldn't recline and with little use you can feel the frame work thru the back ....go get real theater seats , night and day difference


We have a 2014 3585 with the regular Lasso Décor recliners. The leather? is cracking in the headrest area and the other one like new. We're going to try and find a replacement back before we sell the Bighorn and move back to motorhome to full time again.