The Bark Park logo represents a “Heart with a Paw”. For dog owners, this is especially true. Dogs touch our hearts every day with an unconditional love. This is even more so for those who travel with us in our Heartland RV’s.
Bark Park
- The Bark Park is located in the North West section of the Elkhart County 4-H Fairground.
- Look for the Bark Park Banner identifying the park.
- The Bark Park is an off-leash area to bring “Fido” to run, play, or just lay under a tree.
- Review and follow “Dog Petiquette” so all our 4-legged friends and owners can enjoy the Bark Park.
- Benches will be available. Please be considerate of members who may require the need to sit.
- Should you have balls and Frisbees to loan to the park it would be appreciated.
- There will be a $1 entry fee (per pet) to attend the “Dog Social”.
- Volunteers. We will need a few volunteers to assist with the “Dog Social”. Please reply to the thread if you are interested.
- Ideas and suggestions are welcome!
- Ensure your pet’s vaccinations are up to date.
- Ensure you pet is in general good health (no open sores or contagious conditions).
- The Bark Park will have two sections. One for dogs under 20 lbs., the other for dogs over 20 lbs.
- Ann Mayer (Ann_Mayer)
- Christine Fournelle (petruca)
Follow this link to download the Bark Park and Dog Social flyer
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