This topic comes up time and time again....yes you can haul anything with any vehicle, its all about how you drive it. Back in the day we used to haul a JD 2940 (10,400 lbs) tractor on a 6,000lb dual tandem gooseneck with 1/2 ton 4x4 Chevy...did it pull it, of course, was it slow ohhhh yeah, max speed 45mph with no trailer brakes (they were vacume on the trailer). Was this a stupid decision, yes, did it work, yes.
Today, we are better equiped with better trucks and technology, however, the way I look at it is from the law or a lawyers perspecitive should something happen. If you are pulling a 16,000# rated trailer with a vehicle that is not rated by the manufactuerer to handle that weight your are negligent. Should something happen such as an accident you can very easily be found responsible irregardless of fault. Can you add items to a truck to up its capabilities, of course. This however will not change what the manufactuerer specs say.
With that said, if you are comfortable with taking on this self responsibility then use what you have.