2913 415RW Waste Tanks


Can somebody explain how the waste tanks on my 415RW are laid out and which drains go where? I have the drawings from Heartland, but they're a bit confusing. They show a 45 gallon black water tank and a 45 gallon grey water tank towards the front of the trailer under the bedroom. Back under the garage there is another 40 gallon grey tank labeled grey tank 2. The weird part is there's another grey tank on the drawing directly behind the two front tanks also labeled grey tank 2. No indication of the size. So which drains flow where? Does the half bath flow to the rear grey tank? If so what about the toilet? Is that plumbed to the front black tank? I have the brochure for that year, but it doesn't indicate the tank sizes. Any thoughts?

Make that a 2013 415RW.
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Well-known member
I have 2014 415. The rear tank is a grey/black tank. The back bathroom all goes in this tank as does the kitchen sink. This is what I was told when I called heartland to inquire.

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Here is info I posted back in April about our RW

Okay I have some info and I hope it helps.
Front black front toilet tank holds 50 gallons drains through the front drain and is the front/front valve
Grey #1 front tub and front sink holds 45 gallons drains through the front drain and is the front/back valve
Grey #2 kitchen sink and rear bath tub holds about 27 gallons drains through the front drain and is the rear/top valve
Rear black rear toilet and rear sink holds about 27 gallons drains through the rear drain and is the rear/bottom vavle

I have approximate gauge readings if anyone is that interested. When the gauges read full all of the tanks still hold more.


Well-known member
My 415 only has 1 valve in the back. It's a combo grey/black tank.

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