3270RS bathroom hall door


Active Member
I have tried to figure the reason it was installed the way it was (door opens into the hall with the knob closest to the bedroom door). This requires you to either open the bedroom door, step in and open the door, step back into the hall, close the bedroom door, step into the bathroom and then close the door behind you, or stand on the stairs, swing the door all the way open, walk up the stairs and into the bathroom, and shut the door! Today I flipped the door and put the hinges on the bedroom door side of the bathroom door frame. Now, if there is someone sleeping with the door to the bedroom door closed, you walk up the stairs, open the door into the bathroom by swinging it into the hall, step in and close the door. Much simpler, much easier, and in my book, much easier.


Active Member
How close are you to the steps when going through that door?
There is enough room that you are comfortably standing on the "landing" with more than enough room to open the door. I'd thought about that, too. It just didn't make sense, the way they built it!


Well-known member
Don't know your model but ours is 3010. We have to go down one step with the orientation of the opening being towards the step.

The first night in the rig both Linda and I almost fell down the stairs trying to stay on the landing while opening the door from the bedroom side. Next morning we made the rule to always step down one step every time we go into bathroom from the bedroom. No problems since.

It it seems from other posts HL flipped the door around after some point and your coach was like that. Others have flipped the door too. HL arrangement is probably more inherently safe....but since it is easy to alter we get our choice.


Active Member
I went back and looked and realized that to open the door from the non-bedroom side, I am standing on the step. Sorry for the confusion. Even so, I think it is much better than having it in the other configuration. But that's just me.