3300SK Fresh Water Tank Problem

Can you tell me if the 3300SK has a pick up tube inside the fresh water tank? My water outlet hose (that connects to the pump) exits the fresh water tank about 1/3 of the way up and as a result only about 2/3rds of it's capacity is available. Since it appears to share the same outlet with the drain valve, 1/3 of it's capacity remains in the tank for me to tow around the country. If it has an internal pickup tube that allow it to pull the entire contents of the tank, then perhaps it's become disconnected.

Any clues? Thanks!


Well-known member
I believe the fresh water tanks we use across our brands are similar in the way they operate, just different in size and shape.

I have attached a rotated image of a fresh water tank used in Landmark, Bighorn or Big Country (not sure which from the photo).

As you can see, the fresh water fill is the larger tube at the top of the tank side wall. And the fresh water outlet is as near the bottom of the tank side wall it can be placed.

The other tubing show is the vent lines.

Please contact Heartland Customer Service (877-262-8032) to discuss the issue you are having to see what we can do. My sense is we need to get you to a dealer to have your tank examined to start.



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