6 point leveling not as sold as old version


Well-known member
Our previous 2011 Landmark had the 4 point hydraulic leveling system with rear electric stabilizer. When all four points and electric stabilizer were down we were sold as a rock. no movement at all. Out new rig 2014 Landmark, Grand Canyon has the 6 point hydraulic leveling system and when all points are down we get some wiggle. Mostly in the rear of the unit. Now don't get me wrong I like the leveling system it works great and is faster then the old system with 4 pint hydraulic and rear electric. It just seems to me to be less stable or solid. Anyone else experience this? I was thinking that maybe I should put blocks under the leveling points. Might help. At least the pistons would have less throw. Should make it more stable. Also, I thought perhaps adding the rear electric stabilizers. That would provide 8 points down on the ground. Any thoughts? What are you all experiencing?




Staff member
I have the 6 point Level Up, along with a rear stabilizer.
Deploying the rear stab does firm it up.
We don't mind a little wiggle so I normally don't bother with it unless we will be staying for more than a few days.
You could always add the stabilizers.



Past Heartland Ambassador
That's exactly why when we ordered the Landmark, we had the electric rear stabilizers left on...makes all the difference....can't feel any tail wiggle at all!! These big units have really long tail ends...