A Better, Easier to Use, UDC


SSG Stumpy-VA Terrorist
You asked:

Originally Posted by mrcomer //heartlandowners.org/images/buttons/viewpost.gif
Please let me know what the rest of you think about this. I am really curious.
Hey lefty, just because you do not find this interesting is no reason to be like that.

My response was much ado about nothing. You asked my opinion about the subject of cross contamination of the campground water supply or the water supply inside the trailer. I consider most of the concerns voiced here as "much ado bout nothing". Sorry, you didn't like it.

No matter how careful you are, there is always the chance of contamination. Anything is possible, but taken reasonable precautions it can be prevented.

BTW, why didn't you simply send me a private message and ask for clarification? I would have been glad to delete the post, if you had asked after I explained. Now, I'm gonna get a phone call or a nastygram from Beletti which is gonna ruin my whole day.

If you don't want to hear conflicting opinons, maybe you should not ask for them.