Another Not So Happy Camper - Happy Now


Well-known member
Re: Another Not So Happy Camper

When I had dealer problems similar to this with my Tiffin Motor home, Ol man Tiffin himself got involved and the situation was taken care of. I wonder why non-family owned large corporations can'r do the same.

As a former business owner. I can tell you that over the years I had employees that would sometimes slide problems over to someone else. When it finally reached me there wasn't anyone left to put it off on, no one looking over my shoulder to question my decisions, and full authority to settle any issue whatever the cost. Something that you don't necessarily have in a larger corporation.


Well-known member
Re: Another Not So Happy Camper

As a former business owner. I can tell you that over the years I had employees that would sometimes slide problems over to someone else. When it finally reached me there wasn't anyone left to put it off on, no one looking over my shoulder to question my decisions, and full authority to settle any issue whatever the cost. Something that you don't necessarily have in a larger corporation.

I would not call Tiffin a small operation. Bob Tiffin stays involved to let his employees know that customer relations and their ability to resolve problems as well as a good product build and design is what keeps them in business. He has a winning philosophy that should be a model for the RV industry large and small. Too bad he does not build trailers.


Well-known member
Re: Another Not So Happy Camper

In no way did I mean to take away from Tiffin or their quality. They are a class act. There is no doubt that having the founder and his four sons still at the helm contributes to that succes, in contrast to Heartland where the founder is no longer in the lead. With sales under $300 million per year though Tiffin is quite a bit smaller than Thor Industries (parent of Heartland) at $2.3 billion. I couldn't find any employment numbers on Thor, but Heartland alone employs twice as many people as Tiffin. My point was that it is extremely hard in a large corporartion with so many layers, to wind your way up to the person that has the ultimate authority to resolve an issue like you can in a privately owned company like Tiffin.


Well-known member
Re: Another Not So Happy Camper

it is extremely hard in a large corporartion with so many layers, to wind your way up to the person that has the ultimate authority to resolve an issue like you can in a privately owned company like Tiffin.

I worked in a very large corporation for nearly 35 years. It's really not hard to do this. It's a matter of choice, not difficulty. The executives delegate authority in writing with defined conditions and limits. Once the process and limits are defined, lower level employees can go forth and do good things quickly and independently.

It's a good idea to have a closed-loop process that has periodic reviews with the executives who delegated the authority. That ensures you're accomplishing the intended objectives and are staying within the intended aggregate spending level.


Well-known member
Re: Another Not So Happy Camper

I was told when I had some under belly repair work done on my elkridge, under warranty by my local dealer, that heartland won't pay the enough labor to drop the coroplast. So they just cut it to access the pipes under the coach. When I called and spoke with the regional customer service guy at heartland, he kinda denied that claim. They pay the dealer by the foot to do under belly repairs? The dealer I worked with didn't evem tape it up. I had to go get some gorrilla tape to patch the slits and cuts in the coroplast to at least attempt to seal it back up.
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Well-known member
Re: Another Not So Happy Camper

They won't pay enough labor sounds like a lazy excuse to me...


Well-known member
Re: Another Not So Happy Camper

Dealer ordered the new Coroplast today. Hopefully by the end of next week, we'll be able to get the final items repaired.

Dan, I hear what you are saying, and in some corporate worlds that happens. Ford is a good example I think. There was a time I swore I'd never own another Ford, and now I can't say enough good about them. GM and Chrysler have had their share of quality issues over the years. Having worked in a corporate environment myself and later as a majority owner of several companies, I can tell you that it was easier for me to make a decision resolving an issue when I didn't have to think about anything other than what was the right thing to do.


Well-known member
Re: Another Not So Happy Camper

In no way did I mean to take away from Tiffin or their quality. They are a class act. There is no doubt that having the founder and his four sons still at the helm contributes to that succes, in contrast to Heartland where the founder is no longer in the lead. With sales under $300 million per year though Tiffin is quite a bit smaller than Thor Industries (parent of Heartland) at $2.3 billion. I couldn't find any employment numbers on Thor, but Heartland alone employs twice as many people as Tiffin. My point was that it is extremely hard in a large corporation with so many layers, to wind your way up to the person that has the ultimate authority to resolve an issue like you can in a privately owned company like Tiffin.
However, the "top brass" sets the standards and tone for a company. I was in middle managment for a $7bil company and I NEVER wanted a customer who had grip about my service to go over my head-- especially to the President that had responded to every customer that had contacted him. The President, Ken Olson, of that company, Digital Equipment Corp., retired and not much later the Company was purchased by Compaq and later Hewlett Packard. That failure happened, IMHO, after the MBA's took over that put profit ahead of product design, employee relations and customer relations. No the president never called every customer, but every employee knew what he stood for and never wanted a customer to call him with a problem that could have been handled by us. That is what great leadership in a large company can do. It was career limiting to provide non-responsive service. We were a bottom up company that did very well while keeping the Stock Holders, Employees and customers happy. The customer rewarded us with high profit margins because we found that profit and customer satisfaction go hand in hand. Tiffin has that kind of business model that works for both large and small companies.
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Well-known member
Re: Another Not So Happy Camper

I worked for Oracle 17 years (until March this year). Was part of the team for Sun acquisition :). I also knew quite a few people that worked for DEC. Oracle has a pretty techy culture but did form QA teams - I had stints in the QA, Risk and PMO departments.......


However, the "top brass" sets the standards and tone for a company. I was in middle managment for a $7bil company and I NEVER wanted a customer who had grip about my service to go over my head-- especially to the President that had responded to every customer that had contacted him. The President, Ken Olson, of that company, Digital Equipment Corp., retired and not much later the Company was purchased by Compaq and later Hewlett Packard. That failure happened, IMHO, after the MBA's took over that put profit ahead of product design, employee relations and customer relations. No the president never called every customer, but every employee knew what he stood for and never wanted a customer to call him with a problem that could have been handled by us. That is what great leadership in a large company can do. It was career limiting to provide non-responsive service. We were a bottom up company that did very well while keeping the Stock Holders, Employees and customers happy. The customer rewarded us with high profit margins because we found that profit and customer satisfaction go hand in hand. Tiffin has that kind of business model that works for both large and small companies.


Well-known member
Did I overlook something or is this about a dealer who did a shoddy job & wouldn't respond to the owner about corrective actions?


Well-known member
Re: Another Not So Happy Camper

I greatly apologize - my enthusiasm regarding tech culture got the best of me - I should have PM'd.

Did I overlook something or is this about a dealer who did a shoddy job & wouldn't respond to the owner about corrective actions?


Well-known member
Re: Another Not So Happy Camper

Did I overlook something or is this about a dealer who did a shoddy job & wouldn't respond to the owner about corrective actions?

My apologies also, I started the thread more to vent my frustrations over a warranty service that was less than satisfactory, and it got off track. As it stands now, the dealer appears to be taking an active role in resolving my concerns, and I believe they will do as they say.


Well-known member
Re: Another Not So Happy Camper

Did I overlook something or is this about a dealer who did a shoddy job & wouldn't respond to the owner about corrective actions?
No they simply wanted Heartland to help get the problem resolved without a lot of BS.


Well-known member
Re: Another Not So Happy Camper

In the words of the Duck Dynasty matiarch I am "Happy, Happy, Happy". New coroplast underbelly installed by the dealer today. Everything sealed back up like it came from the factory, and the remaining little odds and ends completed. Granted the cabinet door replacment they ordered was wrong (they got it in a month ago and just now opened it up), so they had to reorder. At least that's something I can change out myself without a lot of work. Time to load up and head out again.


Well-known member
Re: Another Not So Happy Camper

Thanks, Bill! Malcolm is loving his new "toy". :D I am driving the 2002 truck for now as we are in the process of selling my car to a young couple in LA that we are friends with and they are in need of a good reliable vehicle.


Well-known member
Re: Another Not So Happy Camper

I started this thread 63 days ago, how time flys when you're trying to get warranty repairs completed!!! I have to say that our dealer Bankston RV has done their part in resolving our issues. Heartland however is another story. Despite the dealer sending them pictures of our cabinet door, Heartland has sent the wrong door twice. Maybe the third time will be the charm.