Another Redneck Rig


Well-known member

This is how you move 7 or 8 people and a 5er with one vehicle.

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Hey,,, now,,,, don't yall start talkin bout my cousn now... he wied the trilr like its hitchd and it is in limts. Its got 10000lb axels and it wied 689 on the frnt and 7844lb on tha rear axel of the trailer... so he is wll wihin the limits. And thats with a full tank of water and all the other takns metpy,,, well excpt the one markd wste... that tank dont open... so we just punche a big hole in it to let it drin. Yall be good now... hope to cmp next to you sumtime... :)

Ohhh,,, an the gas milge,,, depens on if its reglar or some of tht drrip stuf,,,, you know,,,and if all 8 of tha kids go.


Well-known member
Hey Jim, that "drip stuff", is what got my grandparents through the Depression. Grandpa made some high octane liquid corn that you could drink, or run the old Model A on. Only down side was that it backfired a little unless you got the timining right, and the fumes were so potent when it did, that birds in the general vicinity would fall out of the sky.