To those of you who feel that we pull anything that might be a negative comment against Heartland, I suggest that you go back and read the 36,700 post in this forum. I have read the most of them and the few that have been pulled fell into the category of not complying with the rules and regulations of the forum. In some cases, they were saying things, not related to the product, which could be misunderstood by other members of the forum. Some were of a political nature which has nothing to do with the product. In a few cases, when an owner went on a rant and continued without adding any new information, the post was pulled. I don't have an exact count, but I can not believe that in my time as moderator that I have removed more than a dozen post. In some cases, I have sent the author of a post a Private Message requesting that they edit or respond to something that they have written. And to respond to those of you who reminded me that there are other forums out there, I am very aware and also monitor them to see what's being said. I believe that we have one of the best, if not the best forum on the net as far as owners helping owners, and one that is family oriented. I try, as does Jim and Michael, to maintain a high level of integrity and decorum in this forum. If I have offended some of you, I'm sorry, but I do the best that I can to promote the best interest of the forum.