ATF: Big Country - Warranty Issue

My issue with Heartland is the fact that I was told by one of its factory representatives, after my warranty expired, that after one more trip to make a list and they would take care of the problems. Well guess what, when I called back after that trip I was told nothing would be covered. Hummm guess I was lied to huh.


Well-known member
Milton, forget the dealer. Call HL service yourself...with your VIN# and I bet they will send you the "correct Light". Cause HL knows what light it came with.

When one of my overhead lights needed to be replaced this is what I did. Had the new light fixture in one week. I also found out that when you call customer service it is better to hold and wait then to leave a message and wait for a return call.


Retsgtrving, I agree with you Heartland should step up and take car of your issues. The took a load your money, why couldn't the rep have called the dealer and worked out something in your favor. Why should you have to call the manufacturer of the fridge, you didn't buy the camper from Dometic and I bet it says Heartland on front/sides your the camper, not Dometic. But, believe me, when they say one year warranty.... they mean it. Good luck.


Well-known member
I will have to disagree with you Jay; Heartland does not build the fridge nor the toilet or other systems. Just like in you home you don't call the original builder to have the dishwasher fixed or replaced. Please do not compare RVs to cars/trucks just because they share the road; apples and watermelons. Only a few components on a car are not built to spec (off the shelf) compared to many components in a RV. Tires for one. When you have a fail on your car do you go running back to the dealer or manufacturer, no. The warranty issues vary based on the component that failed, microwave 1 year, fireplace 2 years, roof 12 years ad so on. So really the issue is who promised what and how it was handled. Sounds like Retsgtrving wanted to vent because Heartland does just blow people off like that. It is good the dealer stepped up because for the most part those dealers are few and far between.


Hello Speedy, I just think the company with the name on the product should step up and say " yes, you paid us, we'll take care of you." When you have a tire blow, it's usually road related. When a component you paid for fails, why should you have to call anyone other than who you wrote the check to? Ford or Chevrolet, don't build all of their components in house. When you have a failure you call your dealer or factory customer care number. You don't have to call Mexico or Canada (where some parts are manufactured)to ask for help. To me, it's a matter of customer service and appreciation. The cost of many campers is comparable or more than a lot of cars. Why not get the same support. As far as who waranties what and how long shouldn't be up to the consumer to deal with. The vin number of the camper will tell the dealer / manufacturer every component in it. Sure, give the buyer a list of what's covered by who and how long. Just don't expect the customer to have to fight it out.


Well-known member
If you take your trailer to your dealer for service, you normally don't have to get involved in any of the underlying details of who is reimbursing the dealer.

The situation reported by the original poster falls squarely on the dealer failing to fix the problem for seven months. If the dealer had fixed it in 2 weeks, would there be a discussion about re-writing the warranty to provide coverage it doesn't promise? No, everyone would probably think 2 weeks was pretty quick turnaround. It's the seven months that makes it egregious. And Heartland didn't cause the difference between 2 weeks and seven months, so why would anyone think they should make up for it?

The dealer has stepped up in part, and should continue to do so to make up for their screw-ups.


Well-known member
I'd have to agree Dan, too many complaints are really with the dealership or service departments with Heart Land getting stuck in the middle.
On a personal note - Dometic may dominate the RV market but it doesn't mean they are top quality. Even with a 3 year warranty they will tell a dealership service department to replace a single part then send it back to you. That has not changed since the early 90's (at least) when we'd get a unit in for repair on a Dometic product. They are notorious for piecing out repairs but good shops know better - they will repair everything they know is prone to failure and still charge Dometic for it on warranty. The other half is having to use Dometic parts and waiting on them vs a good repair person that can use a better part they can get locally, Dometic will still reimburse the shop.

If you are wondering why anyone uses Dometic in the first place...they are far less expensive and more universal to shops than other brands though if you see what has been happening over the last couple of years, residential companies are now making sizes that can fit in our units. Heart Land is one that seems to be using less Dometic and for good reason.
This is the original poster and yes I was venting when I wrote the post. The reason I wrote it was to let others know what I was told by Heartland Reps. concerning my Rig. And to the poster that said Heartland doesn't treat their customers that way, well I guess I am the exception because I was lied to by the Reps. who told me they would that care of the problems in my rig one more time. When I wrote my first post concerning this problem a Heartland Rep. called and told me the Heartland Managers told him to advise me Heartland would not assist me any further.