Hello Speedy, I just think the company with the name on the product should step up and say " yes, you paid us, we'll take care of you." When you have a tire blow, it's usually road related. When a component you paid for fails, why should you have to call anyone other than who you wrote the check to? Ford or Chevrolet, don't build all of their components in house. When you have a failure you call your dealer or factory customer care number. You don't have to call Mexico or Canada (where some parts are manufactured)to ask for help. To me, it's a matter of customer service and appreciation. The cost of many campers is comparable or more than a lot of cars. Why not get the same support. As far as who waranties what and how long shouldn't be up to the consumer to deal with. The vin number of the camper will tell the dealer / manufacturer every component in it. Sure, give the buyer a list of what's covered by who and how long. Just don't expect the customer to have to fight it out.