Black Tank Indicator 2/3 Full


Our Prowler 300BH black tank indicator stays at 2/3 full even after I’ve emptied the tank and flushed it, slightly dropping to 1/3 full for a brief time. Not sure if the level indicator is stuck or if something else is wrong. We bought the Prowler last fall and have used it about five times. There’s no odor or other issues with the black water tank, the indicator just won’t go down to empty. The gray water indicator works as expected. Thanks!


Well-known member
Tank sensors are notoriously inaccurate, as tp, etc. clings to the electrodes and gives false readings.


Well-known member
Our Prowler 300BH black tank indicator stays at 2/3 full even after I’ve emptied the tank and flushed it, slightly dropping to 1/3 full for a brief time. Not sure if the level indicator is stuck or if something else is wrong. We bought the Prowler last fall and have used it about five times. There’s no odor or other issues with the black water tank, the indicator just won’t go down to empty. The gray water indicator works as expected. Thanks!
This a known issue with the black/gray tank indicators. The sensors give off false readings, after using a few times. Also, after a some more use, the gray tank may also give false readings. For our black tank, when its "burbs" it is time to dump. When the gray tank "gurgles" it is time to dump the gray.


Well-known member
How big is your black tank? Ours is 40 gal and when done dumping it, we add apex 10-12 gallons of water and such for the ride home. Depending on usage, can go all week w/o having to dump and oh BTW, our sensors say 1/2-2/3 after dumping as well. So poor mans way of thinking here, but kinda keep a mental tab on how much water is used for Johnny when it's used. We use the 1 flush for #1 and 2 full bowls for #2 (which incl the contents of #2). Don't want to make it sound gross, but.......... Water is your best friend in black tank.
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Well-known member
Our Prowler 300BH black tank indicator stays at 2/3 full even after I’ve emptied the tank and flushed it, slightly dropping to 1/3 full for a brief time. Not sure if the level indicator is stuck or if something else is wrong. We bought the Prowler last fall and have used it about five times. There’s no odor or other issues with the black water tank, the indicator just won’t go down to empty. The gray water indicator works as expected. Thanks!
First of all you need to make sure that you do not have a poop pyramid. Google the term if you are not familiar. If not, I have had good success with the Commando Black tank cleaner. Follow the directions. I usually do not dump till back home so I drop in one for the trip home. My indicator has worked well after using this, but the first problem I had was my tank was not completely emptying, even if I used the black flush. My method is now to first use Happy Camper which has always worked well at controlling any odors in the black or gray tanks. I then drop in the Commando for the trip home and then when dumping I first dump everything, then I fill the toilet full, flush, three times and dump the tank again with the flush on this time. It is amazing how many solids come out after each cycle using this method. I will repeat this three times total or until clear when dumping (I use clear connector on hose). They also make spray wands that you can connect to a hose and spray thru the toilet to loosen up things.
