Re: Getting mixed feelings about Heartland
I don't have a horse in this race so please don't take offense at my comments. This is just the way I see it. There is probably a reason that Heartland no longer uses Best Form Plastics as a supplier. Perhaps it was poor customer service, bad products?? I don't know and don't care. In any event as they are no longer doing business with them, Heartland has no "clout" with this supplier. All manufacturers purchase their parts and sub assemblies from various sources. I for one, am happy to deal with the suppliers as I feel I can get straight answers without the middleman. My feeling is that you are pretty much on your own after making a purchase and it's up to the individual to work toward a solution with your dealer, the manufacturer and the suppliers if necessary. Sometimes that works, other times it doesn't. The bottom line is you are 1 yr. and 2-1/2 months out of warranty. GM, Ford and Chrysler wouldn't help you at this point why should Heartland? There was a time when they would, but those days are over. Heartland has no clout with this supplier anymore. It would not benefit the supplier to make an exception. There is no longer anything in it for them. If they were still supplying these parts perhaps it would be different. Best Form probably lost a nice chunk of business. They aren't happy about that. You bought something from Heartland, they're ticked off at Heartland?..too bad for you...I don't know if any of this is true, it's just a possibility. You're caught in the middle. That really does suck, but not everybody is real proud of what they make anymore. I wouldn't do it that way but they didn't ask me how to handle this. All I can say is maybe it's time to move on and quit beating a dead horse. Sorry for this defect, get it repainted and be done with it. If you lived closer to me I would do it for you. When my turn rolls around for something like this I won't be happy either. Best of Luck...Don