Chapters in the Canadian Region of the Heartland Owners Club


Heartland Owners Club Manager
Staff member
Thought it might be useful to identify the Canadian Chapters of the Heartland Owners Club.

Every HOC member is free to choose whatever Chapter they wish. You may pick your Chapter because that is the province in which you live; or that is the state or province you are located in during rally season; or it's the closest active Chapter to where you live; or any other reason. Your Chapter affiliation simply means that communications will come from that Chapter Leader. You may also change your Chapter affiliation at anytime for any reason or no reason.

Chapters boundaries are usually state or provincial boundaries. California and Texas are split into multiple Chapters because of physical size and multiple locations of population density. An active Chapter has a Chapter Leader, someone who has volunteered to host at least one rally for the Chapter during the year. If a Chapter is not active, it will fall under the wing of the closest active Chapter until someone steps up and assumes the Chapter Leader position. From time to time this default may change because of the location of the HOC members in the inactive Chapter. Changes are usually recommended by Regional Directors or Chapter Leaders.

Current active Chapters in the Canadian Region
Alberta, includes Northwest Territories
British Columbia, includes Yukon Territory and Alaska
New Brunswick, includes Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador
Saskatchewan, including Manitoba and Nunavut


Founding Canadian Region Director - Retired
This looks good. As usual thanks for the good work.